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时间:2019-07-21 20:03来源:毕业论文
摘 要本文以这两款匿名社交类移动端应用为研究对象,以实践研究法、理论研究法、系统分析研究法和问卷调查法相结合,探究匿名社交软件出现这些弊端的原因,探求匿名社交软件的

摘  要本文以这两款匿名社交类移动端应用为研究对象,以实践研究法、理论研究法、系统分析研究法和问卷调查法相结合,探究匿名社交软件出现这些弊端的原因,探求匿名社交软件的用户需求、社会价值、市场竞争和管理者信息控制方法论。一方面研究分析这两款匿名社交软件本身并做比对研究,另一方面也基于文中的多方面系统分析研究,探寻在匿名社交类移动端应用中植入公益话题的模式,希望能够改善匿名社交软件出现的问题。37487
Based on these two anonymous social class mobile client application as the research object, study method, theory with practice method, system analysis method and questionnaire method, explore the anonymous social software the reasons for these shortcomings and seek the user requirements of anonymous social software, social value, the market competition and management information control methodology. On the one hand, research and analysis to the two anonymous social software itself and comparing research, on the other hand also various system based on the analysis and study, explore in anonymous social mobile terminal applications implanted integrity psas mode, in the hope of improving the anonymous social software problems.
Paper design main content includes that two anonymous social software application layer research and comparative analysis, including the development summary, function setting, UI design and design concept. Anonymous user analysis of social software, including user requirements analysis and user ethical analysis. Content and anonymous social software market analysis, analysis of the degree of social information analysis and management control, etc. Finally based on the analysis of the above research, explores the integrity in the anonymous social mobile terminal applications psas to guide the community atmosphere model, and design the four use and anonymous community public service ads of integrity.
Keywords:Anonymous social applications;The mobile terminal;User needs;Ethical restrictions;Public service ads of itgerity;Secret
目  录
摘 要.... 2
Abstract.... 3
第一章 绪 论    8
    第一节 研究背景    8
    一 宏观背景    8
    二 微观背景    9
    第二节 研究目的和意义    10
    一 研究目的    10
    二 研究意义    11
    第三节 研究对象和内容及研究方法    12
    一 研究对象和内容    12
    二 研究方法    14
第二章 软件应用层分析    17
    第一节 美国匿名社交软件Secret    17
    一 Secret发展简介    17
    二 Secret之前的Postsecret和Whisper    19
    三 Secret的功能设置    20
    四 Secret的UI设计    20
    五 Secret的设计理念    20 基于中美新媒体社交“秘密”软件比较下的社区氛围改善研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_36244.html