毕业论文关键词:网络小说;电视剧改编;花千骨 ;成功策略
The Analysis of Successful Strategies on Network Novel Adaptation from<the Journey of Flower>
Abstract In 2015, the TV series <the Journey of Flower> gained incredibly high ratings, and it also attracted the attention of the public to network novels once again. The integration of network novels and TV series is the choice of development for the market and popular culture, and it is also an innovation of Chinese cultural industry. It has become a development trend, while, the successful cases are rare. In this paper, based on the TV series <the Journey of Flower> adapted from a network novel, it will analyze the cause for its hit. Moreover, this paper will summarize the success strategies for network adaptation, according to the problems exiting in current network novels adaptation. Therefore, it will contribute to the stable and long-term development of network novels adaptation as well as a much more vigorous cultural market.
Key Words: network novel TV series adaptation the Journey of Flower success strategies
目 录
一、引言--- 1
一 引言2015年9月7日,电视剧《花千骨》迎来终篇。跨越三个月的时间,花千骨与白子画的虐恋终于画上了一个句号。在学生开学的大背景下,该剧大结局之夜依然以全国网21.11%的份额、57.6%的忠实度、双网收视2.5%的成绩收官。[1]这部集仙侠、玄幻、言情于一身的电视剧不仅以国网3.38%的收视率刷新了周播剧的收视纪录,并在各大社交平台引发广泛的讨论。《花千骨》的热播与其由网络小说改编而来有着密切的关系,它的高收视、高人气和巨大的产业效益将人们的视线再次转移到网络小说改编上。
网络小说改编成电视剧的历史可以追溯到2004年网络小说《第一次的亲密接触》被改编为电视剧作品,此后网络小说与电视剧市场开始了“联姻”的道路。在经历过低潮后,2010年开始,网络小说改编的电视剧出现“井喷”,《美人心计》、《步步惊心》、《甄嬛传》等高收视和高关注度的改编剧的出现,在电视剧市场掀起改编热潮。截至2015年已有有90部小说已被购买版权,即将被拍成电视剧,改编剧市场将会越来越繁荣。但在网络改编盛况下,并不是所有的改编都能成功,2010年之前的低潮并不是偶然,本文以《花千骨》成功改编为例,总结策略,以求促进网络改编产业的发展。 从《花千骨》看网络小说改编为电视剧作品的成功策略分析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_42491.html