毕业论文关键词 :人民网; 医患关系; 医疗纠纷; 新媒体
Analysis of the Relationship Between Doctors and Patients in the People’s Daily Online
Abstract: In recent years, the hospital medical disputes happened frequently, indicates that the doctor-patient relationship are very nervous in our country, and the media on the issue of relieve the strain on the doctor-patient relationship has an important role. The author through the overall situation of patient reported in our country after the situation analysis, It is concluded that the relationship between doctors and patients in the people's network which is in the view of report biased, the imbalance of reporting, the problem of the party's phenomenon. Meanwhile, the People’s Daily online medical reports which caused the harm to the medical industry, patients and society. In order to guide the media reported events between doctors and patients correctly ,and the same,alleviate the problems of doctor-patient relationship, which put forward the training professional personnel, the doctor-patient relationship guide public opinion, strengthen legislation, the depth report and explain the reported and competition solution, so that we can play a role in the promotion of social stability and harmonious.
Key Words:the People’s Daily online ;doctor-patient relationship;medical disputes;the new media
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract. 1
一、我国医患关系报道概述 2
(一)医患关系报道概况 2
(二)人民网医患关系报道概述 3
二、人民网医患关系报道过程中存在的问题 6
(一)部分医患关系报道视角有失偏颇 6
(二)新闻报道比例失衡且正面报道缺乏吸引力 7
(三)标题党现象值得警惕 8
三、人民网医患关系报道所造成的危害 8
(一)对医疗行业造成的危害 8
(二)对患者造成的危害 9
(三)对社会造成的危害 10
四、解决医患关系报道存在问题的措施 11
(一)培养医患报道专业人才 11
(二)对医患关系舆论进行引导 12
(三)加强立法,建立健全监督机制 12
(四)以深度报道、解释性报道与同业竞争 13
参考文献 15
人民网医患关系报道分析 2016年1月26日,一外地女子在医院声嘶力竭地怒斥黄牛将300元的挂号费炒到4500元的事件在网上引起轩然大波;3月18日,河南一医院在治疗一名患者过程中,费用由开始的400多元涨至6000多元,引起舆论广泛谴责;4月15日,一堆患者家属在深圳一医院强迫医生下跪、为患者烧纸更是将医患关系再一次推上风口浪尖。从上类事件中,我们可以看到,当前全国医患关系已经到达了矛盾多发的时刻。而民众对此类医患关系事件所给予的热情,也充分体现现阶段医患关系报道的舆论关注之高。 人民网医患关系报道分析:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_44179.html