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时间:2020-03-16 10:22来源:毕业论文

ABSTRACT This paper consists of representatives of the platform, the League of Legends is around the topic of China's power industry to start a study. Paper is pided into four parts: the basic concepts in electronic event elaborated on the basis of up-League looks legendary, and come back the history process, it checks the status quoin the League of Legends would like to grow a strong development capability Some face bottlenecks need to be addressed, then analyzed to study how to expand the strategic responses League of Legends, the existing market economy in China.
    In the process of research, it is mainly in three ways: on the collected network electronic Championship League related information data, to understand the whole process of electronic formation Tour career, and with the development of the strategic alliance is to compare Legends.Two national and international development status of the League, League of Legends is the world's most popular tournament game electronic device, developed in our country than abroad as early as a year to think we should learn from the lessons of from.Three push new industry model of development, such as: Chinese track and field,game industry etc.with profession in the development process of our country's model, pushed to the foreground to play electronic professional events in our country's development.
Key words: Gaming, League of Legends, industrial development, gaming marketing
目  录
第一章  电子竞技的含义以及它的产业特征    2
1.1电子竞技定义与分类    2
1.2电子竞技与网络游戏的区别    3
第二章  LOL在中国的成长现状    4
2.1英雄联盟在我国发展的现实基础    4
2.2英雄联盟对我国电竞发展的推动作用    5
2.3英雄联盟发展的潜力    5
第三章  剖析我国电竞产业进一步发展产生的不足    6
3.1我国电子竞技产业链不全    6
3.2电子竞技在我国是夹缝中求生存    7
3.3我国游戏玩家心态需要健全    7
3.4我国媒体和政府的支持以及宣传力度不够    8
第四章  对于我国在发展电竞产业中存在的不足提出的合理办法    8
4.1得到主流媒体的支持    8
4.2得到政府的更多支持    9
4.3得到观众的支持    9
4.4拥有足够资金    10
4.5成立全国电子竞技协会    10
结束语    11
致  谢    12
参考文献    13
第一章  电子竞技的含义以及它的产业特征
    电子竞技的含义:电子竞技是一个全新的行业,它与传统的网络游戏是不一样的。在2003年11月中旬,电子竞技被我国宣布成为第99个体育运动(之后更改为第78个运动),从而这项产业进入到真正的运营发展系统,它是一个拥有无比广阔发展潜力的产业,而且这项产业的快速发展还使得软件,娱乐,电信,互联网,硬件装备制造业与之形成了较强的吸附力链。可以说电子竞技产业对于硬件,软件,新的人力资源的开发都发挥了推动发展的作用。 英雄联盟我国电子竞技运动提升策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_48400.html