摘 要: 随着社会的发展与科技的进步,我国儿童接触电视的年纪越来越小,电视作为覆盖面广、公众接触率高的传播媒介,已经与儿童产生密切的联系。定时收看少儿节目是孩子们每天必不可少的内容之一。少儿电视节目俨然已经能够对孩童的发展产生重大影响。我国少儿节目现阶段存在着成人化特点严重、教育高于娱乐现象严重、城市化趋势严重以及暴力元素充斥荧屏以及来自国外节目的挑战等问题, 应做到以儿童为中心、城乡儿童共同发展、寓教于乐、播放积极健康的少儿节目和适当引进外来节目,形成国产动画产业化。54273
毕业论文关键词: 少儿电视节目;发展历程;发展现状;发展对策
Abstract:With the development of society and scientific technology, children's TV of our age more and more small, television as a wide coverage, high rate of public contact media, have close contact with children. From China's televisioncareer began since, our children's programs have become an important part of the rapid development of. Timingwatch children's programs is one of the essential contents of the children every day. Children's programs have been outside the school, the social education system, the greatest impact on children's. Our children's programsmainly through channels and groups, digital, channel and market these four stages. Our children's programs have their own characteristics and rules of development, but at present there are adult seriously, "teach" greater than"entertainment", city trend is serious and violent elements full screen etc.
Key word:children's program;the development course;current situation;development countermeasures
目 录
前言 4
一、少儿电视节目的简介 4
二、我国少儿电视节目的发展历程 5
(一)多样化的探索 5
(二)栏目化的形成 5
(三)专业化的发展 5
三、我国少儿电视节目的发展现状 6
(一)发展过程中自身存在的问题 6
(二)国外节目大军的严峻挑战 8
四、我国少儿电视节目的发展对策 9
(一)以儿童为中心 10
(二)城乡儿童共同成为少儿节目的主人 10
(三)教育和娱乐并重,寓教于乐 10
(四)播放积极健康的少儿电视节目 11
(五)努力形成国产动画产业化 11
(六)适当引进外来节目 12
结 语 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15
一、少儿电视节目的简介 浅析我国少儿电视节目的发展现状及对策:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_58476.html