摘 要:城市,是现代化的一种标志,大量的人流、物流和信息流在此汇聚,也是媒体传播的主要对象和扎根土壤。城市形象不仅仅是城市软实力的一种体现,也是城市最为重要的无形资产之一。随着世界全球化的发展,城市化进程日益加快。城市作为一个经济区域体,其自身形象的提升已经成为现代城市参与市场竞争、谋求更多发展资源的重要经济实力。本文对城市形象、传播媒介的概念首先做了界定,接着以苏州为例,分析了苏州城市形象媒体传播的现状和存在的问题,并在此基础上,提出了树立苏州良好城市形象的媒体策略。 57862
Abstract: City is the symbol of modernization. City converge a lot of people, physical distribution and information flow. Besides city is the object and soil of media. And the image of the city is not only a kind of embodiment of its soft power, is one of the most important intangible assets of the city. With the development of the globalization of the world, in the urbanization process has become increasingly intensified today, if a city in order to get sustainable development, we must attach importance to construction of its image, because the city as a regional economic body, all aspects of its own image has become a modern city to participate in market competition important economic strength, to seek more development resources. In other words, a good image of a city, is the scope of public perception more extensive, time more long, the higher the value of. The city's image is not only a kind of embodiment of its soft power, is also one of the most important intangible assets of the city. With the development of the globalization of the world, quickening the urbanization process. The city as a regional economic body, the ascension of their own image has become a modern city to participate in market competition important economic strength, to seek more development resources.
Keywords: city’s image ,the media dissemination,current situation,strategy
随着全球一体化的发展,城市在日益激烈的城市竞争中面临各种严峻考验,城市形象传播已经成为城市生存与发展的必然选择。传播城市形象有助于提升城市竞争力,吸引技术、资金、人才等生产要素资源,促进城市经济实现可持续发展。传播城市形象还可以提高城市的凝聚力,良好的城市形象具有鼓舞作用,使该地区的居民为了维护该地区形象而努力奋斗。城市一旦形成了独有的知名度、美誉度,城市形象资源就转化成为了一种动力机制,进而促进城市经济、社会、文化和环境的可持续发展。中国城市形象传播发展尤为迅猛,得到各城市政府的高度重视。而作为中国城市形象传播的核心问题之一,媒介传播备受业界和学界的高度重视,已经成为研究的大热点。2010年上海世博会就以城市为主题——“城市,让生活更美好”,诠释了当今时代发展的主题在树立城市形象的同时,媒介如何传播和推广城市形象成为传媒人思考的重要话题。因此,探索城市形象的媒介传播策略具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。 苏州城市形象的媒体传播现状及策略:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_62731.html