On Selected C-E Translation of “Star Boss, Ren Quan”,《明星老板任泉》翻译研究...
Analysis on China-featured Neologism Translation,中国特色新词翻译技巧...
The Influence of In-class Questioning on Junior High School Students’ Interest in English Study,英语论文初中英语教师课堂提问对学生英语学习兴趣影响探究...
桜から見る日本人の死生観 ,日语论文从樱花看日本人的生死观...
Research on Effectiveness of English Homework Design at Junior High School Level,英语论文初中阶段英语作业有效性设计研究...
A Comparative Study On Two Chinese Versions of A Modest Proposal,英语论文《育婴刍议》两种中译本的对比研究...
An Investigation into Negative Transfer of Chinese in Middle School Students’ English Writing,英语论文初中学生英语写作中母语负迁移的调查...
The Divergence of Relationship, Love, Religion between Fantasy and Reality in “Araby”,英语论文分析《阿拉比》中幻想与现实的不同...
A Study on the Animal Idioms Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory,英语论文从关联理论角度看英汉动物习语的翻译...