Acknowledgements I would like to express my appreciation to a number of people for their invaluable assistance in preparation and development of this thesis. My most sincere thanks is for my dearest supervisor, Professor a respectable, resp...
A Discussion on Translation of Car Names from The Perspective of Skopos Theory:Take the Series of Buick as the Example,英语论文从目的论的角度辨析车名的翻译...
A Study of Xu Yuanzhong’s Theory of Beauty in Three Aspects -- A Case Study of the Story of the Stone,英语论文许渊冲“三美”翻译理论霍译红楼梦为例...
An Analytical Study of the Application of Indirect Speech Acts Theory For Teaching English Listening in Senior High School ,英文论文间接言语行为理论应用于高中英语听力教学...
A Study on Giving Effective Instructions in Junior High School English Class,英文论文初中英语课堂如何有效给出指令语的研究...
A Study on the C-E Translation of Reduplicated Words in Wandering in light of Skopos Theory—on the English Version Translated by Yang Xianyi and Dai Naidie英文论文以目的论为视角看《彷徨》中叠词的翻译...
Application of Ekphrasis in the Teaching of English Writing,英文论文艺格转换在英语作文教学中的应用...
A Study on Alice Munro’s Writing Style based on Dear Life,英语论文《亲爱的生活》艾丽丝·门罗写作风格...