The study of proteins and DNA is very important role in many essential biological processes such as DNA replication, transcription,英语论文SVM的蛋白质与DNA交互作用预测研究...
Analyse der Probleme mit der Existenz der Menschen in der modernen Gesellschaft, am Beispiel des Romans „ Ruhm “德语论文《名誉》现代社会人的生存困境...
Research on Celebrity Charm on the Marketing of Nike— A Case Study of Basketball Shoes,英文论文名人效应对耐克营销的影响研究...
An Analysis of Consumption Motivation of Shiseido in Chinese Market,英语论文资生堂化妆品消费者购买动机...
Analysis of Emily’s Tragedy in A Rose for Emily from Feminism,英语论文女性主义角度分析《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中艾米丽的悲剧...
On the Construction of Joe’ s American Indian Identity in The Round House,英语论文《圆屋》中主人公乔的印地安身份构建...
A Feminism Interpretation of Becky Sharp in Vanity Fair,英语论文《名利场》中贝基夏普的女性主义解读...
Cultural Identity in The Joy Luck Club,英语论文《喜福会》文化差异和认同...
Causes of Darl Bundren’s Tragedy in As I Lay Dying,英语论文《我弥留之际》达尔悲剧的原因...
Conflict and Balance: a Spiritual Ecological Analysis of A Streetcar Named Desire,英语论文《欲望号街车》精神生态冲突与平衡...