On the cultural differences between English and Chinese proverbs and Translation Strategies英语论文浅谈英汉谚语文化差异及翻译策略...
The Study of Emotional Effects in Junior Middle School English Teaching英语论文初中英语教学中的情感效应研究...
The Influence of Christianity on British Politics and Culture英语论文论基督教对英国政治和文化的影响...
A Study of Jack London’s Female Characters and London’s Views on Women英语论文杰克∙伦敦作品中女性人物形象及伦敦女性观研究...
On Aesthetic Perception in Chinese Dish Name Translation from a Cognitive Perspective英语论文从概念认知结构探讨菜肴英译中的中华饮食文化审美意识传递...
A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Incentive Phrases in Sports Taking Incentive Phrases in Youth Olympic as Examples英语论文英汉体育激励语对比研究...
The study of suspense in The Da Vinci Code英语论文《达芬奇密码》中的悬念研究...
Self-Translation Based on Skopos Theory A Case Study of Eileen Chang’s The Rouge of the North英语论文目的论视角下的张爱玲自译《怨女》自译研究...
A study of the representation of the masculinity in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte英语论文论《简爱》中男性气质与身份建构...
A Pragmatic Study of Inter-sentential code switching between Chineseand English in Chinese Microblogs英语论文微博中的英汉句间语码转化现象的语用研究...