Schema Theory and the Teaching of English Reading,英语论文图式理论与英语阅读教学...
An Analysis of the Errors in Logical Connectors in ESL/EFL Writing,英语论文外语学习者在书面语中逻辑连接词的误用...
Study on the Application of Cooperative Learning in College English Class,英语论文合作学习在大学英语课堂的应用研究...
On Cultural Differences Between Chinese and American Etiquettes on Giving Gifts,英语论文从送礼看中美礼仪文化差异...
On Translation of English Novel Titles from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory,英语论文从目的论看英文小说书名的翻译...
A Study of Sexual Discrimination in English,英语论文试论英语语言中的性别歧视...
Evolution in American Higher Education Values As Reflected in University Mottoes,英语论文从大学校训看美国高校价值观念的变迁...
Differences Analysis of Chinese and American Attitudes to Homosexuality Based on The Wedding Banquet,英语论文浅析《喜宴》中西方对同性恋态度的差异...
Metaphors in English Advertisement Slogans from the Perspective of the Cooperative Principle,英语论文从合作原则角度浅析英语广告标语中的隐喻...
A Brief Analysis of the Narrative Strategy in “The Gift of the Magi”,英语论文浅析《麦琪的礼物》的叙事策略...