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时间:2017-02-09 11:17来源:毕业论文


A Brief Discussion on the Training of Children’s Chorus
    Abstract: The art of chorus, the bright pearl in the music cultural history, has a long history. And the children’s chorus is an elegant performing form of the art of music, and it is considered as the voice of angels by the public. The paper begins with the elaboration of the children’s chorus, like the sound training, the track selection, and the training of the consciousness of cooperative performing. Furthermore, the training method of children’s chorus is emphasized in particular, and the problems which should be noticed in the training of children’s chorus, together with how to master the training methods correctly, are pointed out as well. As a result, the training of children’s chorus will become standardized, and the performing will be more perfect, all indicating the artistic charms of children’s chorus. Finally, the paper hopes to enlighten the future training of the children’s chorus, which is of great significance in the cultivation of children’s artistic culture, the ability of aesthetic judgment, and the solidarity and cooperation, etc.
Key words: child’s voice; chorus; training
目    录

摘 要    1
Abstract.    2
一、童声合唱训练的方法    2
(一)呼吸训练    2
(二)咬字吐字训练    3
(三)音准节奏训练    4
二、童声合唱曲目选择的原则    4
(一)符合儿童的自身特点    5
(二)曲目选择要体现民族性    5
三、合作表演意识训练    6
(一)演出前的准备    6
(二)教师鼓励对学生的影响    7
参考文献    9
致谢    10                
合唱是一种高雅的艺术表演形式,是培养学生喜爱音乐的热诚,提高学生音乐欣赏及鉴赏能力的手段,鼓励、激励学生的乐观向上的精神,提高孩子们的团结合作意识。在改革开放以来,当代儿童合唱艺术拥有众多的爱好者,随着中外文化交流,各地的童声合唱团如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展,这不仅丰富了孩子们的课外文化视野,而且培养了孩子们的合作意识。所谓童声就是少年儿童在变声前的声音,这种声音的特点带有稚气,音色明亮,音量不大。针对儿童的声音特点,需要教师正确的运用科学的发声方法来进行训练,如可以适度的进行些趣练习,目的是使儿童能正确的理解并接受合唱,争取做到使声音听起来圆而不低沉、亮而不刺耳、高音强不噪、低音弱而不虚。与此同时选择合适的曲目对童声合唱同样也具有重要的意义,好的曲目能够正确引导儿童更好更积极的演唱,因此曲目的选择应以表现儿童生活或儿童能理解的内容为先,多用儿童熟悉的语言,使声音听起来整齐、统一,富有感情。 浅谈童声合唱的训练:http://www.751com.cn/yinyue/lunwen_2714.html