Abstract: chorus and soloists are two basic forms of vocal music, both in the method of baking in common with the sound, however, as different forms of art, chorus and soloists have distinct differences in many aspects. In this paper, the song "To the Motherland" as an example study of the similarities and differences in the chorus and solo training methods, from singing characteristics, use of breath, sound condition, four areas were analyzed volume range, from four to get the chorus and soloists exist similarities and differences. And get in "To Motherland" in embodied, in order to more clearly understand everyone chorus and soloists, performed better vocal learning and research in the future. Methods: Data statistics, logical analysis, literature research method. Conclusion: The chorus and soloists for the two forms of the same vocal art in singing characteristics, use of breath, sound condition, despite the differences in the volume range in four areas, but not mutually exclusive, sung chorus and soloists is a good singer essential.
Keywords:chorusandsoloists,singingcharacteristics,use of breath,soundcondition,the volumerange,the samepointat different points
1 前言5
2 独唱与合唱在训练方法上的异同5
2.1 唱法特点的异同5
2.2 气息运用的异同5
2.3 发声状态的异同6
2.4 音域音量的异同6
3 以《致祖国》为例分析7
3.1 从合唱与独唱的相同之处分析7
3.2 从合唱与独唱的不同之处分析8
结论 10
建议 10
参考文献 11
致谢 12
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