Abstract:The band formed primary school can not only promote the construction of campus culture, building school brand and the image of the school, can be more comprehensive to cultivate the students' ability, can enable students to achieve all-round development, cultivate the students' consciousness of the group cooperation ability, enhance students' sense of collective honor and team, increase the student's extracurricular activities. The band has many advantages, but the tube or band in many organizations in primary school, especially the pitch of brass instruments, various problems, I and their experience of experience breath, mouth and fingering (position) of intonation simple, find out problems and issues, then according to the students to find an appropriate solution and applied to practical action, produce the good effect. Finally, according to my own experience made a summary and outlook for the primary school pipe band of the bright future of development.
目 录
1 前言 4
2 小学管乐队在我国的发展以及积极作用 4
2.1小学管乐队在我国的发展 4
2.2小学管乐队的积极作用 4
3 小学管乐队训练中的音准的重要性 5
4 铜管声部在音准上存在的问题原因和解决方法 5
4.1 气息对音准的影响 6
4.2口型对音准的影响 7
4.3指法(把位)对音准的影响 8
5自己对小学管乐队未来发展的期望 8
结语 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11
1 前言
2 小学管乐队在我国的发展以及积极作用
2.1 管乐团队在我国的发展现状
伴随着“西乐东渐”,西方的管乐器与管乐合奏艺术逐渐流入中国并随着时间的发展不断成长。从1886年前后历史上第一支管乐队的成立到今天,在我国各地各种年龄层次、艺术水平的管乐团如雨后春笋般的涌现出来。尤其是近几年,随着我国经济的发展,对外交流频率的增加及交流层次的不断提高,我国管乐合奏团队无论从数量还是水平上都进入了飞速发展的黄金时期。涌现出了诸如中国人民解放军军乐团,武警军乐团等世界知名的管乐团队。一些专业音乐院校,如中央音乐学院、上海音乐学院等也纷纷在专业学生的教学体系中设立了管乐合(重)奏,并建立了管乐团。在业余管乐团队发展方面,国内一些大中专院校也通过招收特长生的办法建立了管乐团,甚至于近些年我国经济发达地区的中小学也有很多都成立了管乐团队。源-自-751:,论'文'网]www.751com.cn 论小学管乐队铜管声部的音准问题和解决方法:http://www.751com.cn/yinyue/lunwen_57091.html