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时间:2020-09-01 17:55来源:毕业论文
摘 要:《美妙时刻即将来临》这首咏叹调选自莫扎特的歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》,是莫扎特众多喜歌剧中的杰出代表之一。它沿袭了莫扎特一贯的风格,即音乐是创作的灵魂。所有的一切

摘  要:《美妙时刻即将来临》这首咏叹调选自莫扎特的歌剧《费加罗的婚礼》,是莫扎特众多喜歌剧中的杰出代表之一。它沿袭了莫扎特一贯的风格,即音乐是创作的灵魂。所有的一切包括舞台、歌词、动作等等都要忠实的服务于音乐。这就顺理成章的造就了《费加罗的婚礼》这部歌剧的非常强烈的歌唱性,从而产生了很多让我们耳熟能详的唱段。55487


毕业论文关键词:   创作背景,歌唱技巧,情感与演唱,二度创作

Abstract:The aria "Wonderful Time Is Coming ",came from the opera "The Marriage Of Figaro" which is created by Mozart and the aria ,is one of the best comic opera of  Mozart.”Wonderful Time Is Coming” followed Mozart's style that music is the soul of creation.All that including stage,lyrics, movements and so on must server for music.It is logical to make the opera "The Marriage Of Figaro" be very suitable for singing and all the part of the song are well-known to us.

  "Wonderful Time Is Coming " is a lyric soprano's aria of that .The lyric soprano’s aria included a short recitative which tells the story of Susanna punishing Figaro for his doubt.From that ,we can learn the resource and vitality of Susanna vividly described in this aris.In order to make the reader have a good understanding of the background of this aris,this article will firstly introduce the opera creation background.Besides ,the article will analyze the difficulties of this aris and how to use the singing skills to solve these problems .Finally,it also includes the analysis of the emotion processing and two degrees of creation, so that the singer can interpretation the work better .

Key words:   creation background,skill of singing,emotion and singing,two degrees of creation

目  录               

1 引 言2

2  《美妙时刻即将来临》的创作背景2


3  《美妙时刻即将来临》的歌曲处理3

3.1  歌词拼读的注意4

3.2  演唱时对乐句情绪的注意4

3.3  全面理解作品内在情感的注意5

3.4  演唱过程中出现的其他常见难点及处理方法6

3.5  如何进行二度创作7

结论 9

参考文献  10

致谢  11

1 引言


