Abstract:Guzheng is one of China's ancient traditional instruments. In our country has thousands of years of history, its sound is unique, classical works, known as "the pleasure of all the pision". According to the region, playing techniques and style of the works of different, Gu Zheng genre for southern and north school. The north wing of the Henan Zheng Zheng north is the most representative of the faction. A variety of factors that form factions of the geography and culture, humanities, customs etc.. Henan Zheng pie emerged many outstanding performers and they created the large outstanding works with strong characteristics of Henan, the zheng music in the musical structure and melody has unique characteristics, especially in playing technique is its unique style. This paper will focus on the analysis of some of the characteristics of Henan Zheng School of performing skill.And the Henan Zheng song "mountain and flowing water", for example, specifically from the right hand thumb, middle finger, left index and press, kneading, and chatter and playing techniques to analysis it is demonstrated how the playing techniques of some of the characteristics of the Henan Zheng pie.
Keywords: Henan Zheng ,playing techniques ,style ,"good friend"
目 录
1 前言3
2 河南筝派简介3
2.1 河南筝派的历史背景3
2.2 河南筝派的音乐特征4
3 河南筝派的演奏技法及特色浅析以------《高山流水》为例5
3.1 河南筝派的演奏技法·4
3.1.1 河南筝派右手的演奏技法4 大指的演奏技法5 中指的演奏技法5 食指的演奏技法6
3.1.2 河南筝派左手的演奏技法6
3.2 河南筝曲在演奏技法上的特色7
1 前言
目前我国对古筝艺术的研究主要是集中在音乐学的分析、演奏技法的创新、古筝流派的各种概述等等。河南的位置在我国的中部,河南地区的特点是地域文化丰富、人口多,河南地区的很多城市都是我国古代时期的都城,正是因为这样,它对河南的政治、经济、文化等各方面的发展有着巨大的影响;中原地区也是弦索音乐的发源地,古筝是弦索音乐的主奏乐器,所以它也具有弦索音乐的特色,在河南地区古筝艺术受着当地的方言和民俗文化的影响,产生了各具特色的河南筝曲。 筝曲《高山流水》河南筝派演奏技法特色浅析:http://www.751com.cn/yinyue/lunwen_64496.html