摘 要:播音发声与声乐发声都是以声音地运用、传达为第一表现形式地艺术类型,包括声乐发声理论曾对播音发声产生过深远的影响。但是,为适应各自不同的艺术表达需要,两者又有其自身的特殊性和独立性。“播音与声乐一个是说一个是唱。其实歌唱也是要在演唱旋律的过程中把话‘说’清楚,‘说’得很有感情,在说的基础上增加旋律性,使普通的人声变成极富乐器性的人声。”那么,用声音传递信息的播音员主持人在提高声音质量的诉求过程中,采用歌唱进行声音、气息与吐字方面的获取与美化,将不失为一种事半功倍的好方法。本文将通过两者各方面的比较研究,深化播音与声乐发声之间的区别,以更好的指导播音和声乐发声训练,并且呼吁两个学科之间能够取长补短、相互借鉴,相互促进。65449
Abstract:Voice broadcast voice and vocal music is based on the use of voice, convey the first type of art form, or even the vocal sound theory has had a far-reaching influence on the broadcast voice. However, in order to meet the need of different artistic expression, and both have their own particularity and independence. \"Broadcast with a mean sing is a vocal music. Singing is actually in the process of singing melodies,\" says the words', 'said really have feelings, on the basis of the said increase melody, make ordinary vocals and instruments of human voice.\" So, voice messaging announcer host to use in the process of demands to improve the quality of voice, the voice, singing breath and enunciation of acquisition and beautification, will be a good way to get twice the result with half the effort. This article through the comparative study of the two aspects, deepen the differences between broadcast and vocal voice, to better guide the broadcast voice and vocal music training, and called on between the two disciplines can complement each other and learn from each other, promote each other.
Keywords: Vocal music, Broadcasting, Breath using
目 录
1 前言 3
2 声乐与播音气息运用的共同点 3
2.1 都以气息为发声原动力 3
2.2 对发音方法有严格要求 3
3 声乐与播音气息运用的不同点 4
3.1 播音气息运用的独特之处 4
3.1.1 播音气息的运用 4
3.1.2 播音气息的控制 4
3.1.3 播音主持气息运用的方法自由灵活 5
3.2 声乐气息运用的独特之处 5
3.2.1 声乐更重视气息运用 5
3.2.2 声乐更讲究气息运用的方法 6
结 论 8
参考文献 9
致 谢 10
1 前言
声乐艺术和有声语言艺术息息相关,一个好的歌唱演员应该具备的七字要素是:声,情,字,味,表,养,像。即:声音,感情,咬字,韵味,表演,文化艺术修养,舞台形象气质。声乐艺术,声音是第一位的;如果声音达不到要求,再有丰富的情感,再有准确的咬字,也是不行的。播音与声乐艺术是基于良好的使用类型,传达的第一表现,他们与呼吸的声音训练方法是分不开的,这就有了气息,发声,共鸣,吐字归音四个环节。声乐与播音主持有着一定的共性,各自也都有特性。论文网 声乐与播音主持气息运用的异同:http://www.751com.cn/yinyue/lunwen_73093.html