The number of the hidden nodes is calculated by empirical for-mula [27], and the training results show that the network error isminimum when there 13 hidden neural nodes.According to the model’s input and output parameters, we canobtain the BP neural network’s structure: 14-13-2. A schematic dia-gram of the three-layer feed forward neural network architectureis shown in Fig. Selection of the training parametersThe BP neural network training parameters settings are: the tar-get training mean squared error of 1e − 5; the training function oftrain lm; the learning rate of 0.5, and max epoch of 2000 [28,29].Therefore, the genetic algorithm parameters settings are: thepopulation of 70; the selection rate of 0.06; the mutation functionof non-Unit Mutation with the parameter {2 gen 3}; the crossoverfunction of arithXover with the parameter {20}; the gen of 700 [30].
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关键词:建筑设计、能源消耗、热舒适性、人工神经网络、多目标遗传算法 办公室空调设计英文文献和中文翻译(6):