2 The molding tool high speed slices to pare the technique
2. 1 The high speed slices to pare the concept to put forward
The high speed slices to pare the theories is the German physicist Carl of April of 1931 J . The Salomon put forward of .He point out that within the scope of the normal regulations slices to pare the speed, slice to pare the temperature along with slice the exaltation of pare the speed but go up, but slice to pare the speed to raise the certain value after, slicing to pare the temperature not only does not go up and will lower on the contrary, but also should slice the category of pare the speed value and a material of work relevant, exist a speed scope to a materials of each work, in the speed's scope because of slicing to pare the temperature to lead high, the knife have the material and can't bear, then slice to pare to process to impossibly carry on, calling that area as" die valley". This thoughts a count for much apocalypse to posterity, namely such as can cross this" die valley", at the high-speed area work, use the knife probably to have the material to carry on high speed's slice to pare now, slice to pare the temperature and normal regulations to slice to pare basic homology, thus can the significant exaltation produce the efficiency. It is an opposite concept that high speed slice to pare, so far the speed scope that international community slices to pare to the high speed didn't°yet make an explicit definition, usually slice to pare the speed higher than the normal regulations speed more than 5-1000% slice to pare to be called the high speed to slice to pare. Since the Salomon put forward high speed's slicing to pare the concept and apply for the patent at the same year, the high speed slices to pare the technical development to experience the high speed to slice the quest, application of pare the theories to investigate, first step applied and more mature application etc. four stage, have already got the certain expansion in the production now application.
摘 要:分析了快速原型制造技术(RPM) 和高速切削加工技术(HSM) 在模具制造中的应用,预测性地指出未来快速制模技术的发展方向。
关键词: 快速制模技术;RT技术;HSM技术 论文网
俗话说:“没有规矩不成方圆”,这“规矩”在塑料加工中就是模具。在现代工业生产中,60 %~90 %的工业产品需要使用模具加工,模具工业已经成为制造业中的一项基础产业,是技术成果转化的基础,同时又是高新技术产业的重要的领域,在欧美等工业发达国家被成为“点铁成金”的“磁力工业”。随着市场全球化以及竞争的不断加剧,产品更新换代的速度不断加快,多品种小批量将成为制造业的重要生产方式,在这种情况下,制造业对产品原型的快速制造和模具的快速制造术提出了强烈要求。因此,快速制模技术呈现生机勃勃的发展趋势。作为快速制模技术的两大代表:基于快速原型技术的制模方法(RT) 、采用高速切削加工模具(HSM) 必然会在未来很长一段时间内得到更快的发展。 模具快速制造技术英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_30873.html