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时间:2017-02-21 20:53来源:毕业论文
The project uses a system that consists of a plasma source on an articulated-arm robot and a 125-ton Krauss-Maffei two-component CZ Series injection machine. Following the first shot, an articulated r

The project uses a system that consists of a plasma source on an articulated-arm robot and a 125-ton Krauss-Maffei two-component CZ Series injection machine. Following the first shot, an articulated robot positions the plasma source to treat the parts. The beam can be precisely directed to break up adhesion-inhibiting surface layers and create a reactive or active surface that supports a good bond between materials that normally show poor to no compatibility.
Initial results are positive. A number of previously unworkable material combinations have proven viable. Further research and applications development are ongoing.
3.Web-exclusive sidebar: An investment in multimolding
Saviplast (Vicenza, Italy) decided to make multimolding a key part of its strategy to deal with a stagnant market, and invested in new production cells and a skills-upgrading program to make it work. Primarily a custom molder making technical parts for European electronics, industrial, furniture, and sporting goods markets, 30% to 40% of Saviplast’s production serves its own line of pump and electric motor components. Many of its products are housings, some for underwater use. Making the gaskets for these products within the mold, rather than separately, substantially increases productivity and quality.
 Seeing multimolding as a key strategy to overcome a down market, Saviplast invested in a pair of two-material production cells from Mir to integrate gaskets with its broad line of pump and motor housings. A three-component cell was added later and a fourth cell is being installed currently.
To accommodate the variety of these components, three fully automated production cells from Mir SpA based on 140-, 180-, and 280-ton multicomponent injection machines from its RMPE Series have joined Saviplast’s existing 27 injection systems. The 140- and 180-ton systems are two-component machines, with the second injection unit mounted vertically. Saviplast decided to forego a rotary machine platen since the gasket overmolding to be done in these cells is well suited for sliding core molds.
 The multimolding strategy has proven effective. A fourth Mir production cell is being installed at Saviplast’s primary factory to make an innovative component for underwater pumps. 多模加工技术不管是在产品的外观上还是在成品的使用效果上,或者是两者共存的原因,现在已经被越来越多的广泛应用,特别是在北美洲地区。同样在快速变化的还有对生产技术的选择,其中自然会包括一些如何来使成本降低的选择。
    从如今围绕着多模加工的各种宣传来看,你也许会认为多模加工技术(MM)在它刚刚问世的时候仅仅只是一个模具一次成型两个或更多的零件,但必须是相同材料、 形状,颜色等其他所有性能的一种生产技术。但是在多模加工技术活跃的二十世纪751十年代 ,当时多模加工技术已经被用在同种材料但是不同颜色的模具上。比如,电话按键便是一个永远存在且不会消失的最著名的例子。自那时以来,多模加工技术的应用便开始慢慢的发展起来,但和如今它的增长速度相比却依旧属于相当的缓慢。
考虑到多模加工的技术现在可以用于材料、 模具、 机器、 机器人和完整的生产单元格,唯一产生的问题可能是其可以选择的方法实在太多。这篇文章的题目看似很普通,我们之所以说"很",其中原因有二点:第一点,是在供应的方面,新的多模加工技术和巧妙的系统设计如今出现在每个贸易展览会 多模加工技术英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_3194.html