The programme waswritten in JSP/Servlets and the SolidWorks API (Applica-tion Programming Interface). The SolidWorks applicationprogramming interface (API) is an OLE programminginterface to SolidWorks. The API contains hundreds offunctions that can be called from Visual Basic, VBA, C,C+ +, or SolidWorks macro files. These functions providethe programmer with direct access to SolidWorks func-tionality such as creating a line, extruding a boss, orverifying the parameters of a surface [25,26]. Java ServerPages (JSP) is a better solution in generating dynamic webpages in contrast to Active Server Pages (ASP), PersonHome Pages (PHP), and Common Gateway Interface(CGI). JSP together with Servlets provide an attractivealternative to other types of dynamic web scripting/programming that offers platform independence, enhancedperformance, separation of logic from display, ease ofadministration, and ease of use. Nowadays, there are a lotof database management systems available in the commer-cial market such as Oracle, Sybase, MySQL, and Informix.Microsoft Access 2000 was adopted for reasons of ease ofuse and better-cost performance.7. Design case studyIn order to have a more detailed understanding of theoperations of the Internet-based intelligent mould design system, it is better to go through a real design study withthis prototype package. From experience in using thisprogramme for a number of actual designs, it normallytakes about 100–200 steps of mouse clicks and/or keyboardinputs to complete the whole design of a certainplastic part, depending on the complexity of the part. Thedesign example is a mouse whose 3D CAD model isshown in Fig. 6. It is made of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene(ABS). The size of the part is 96mm (length) 68mm(width) 27mm (height), and the wall thickness is 2mm.According to the customer requirements, a mould withfour cavities is required and is to be operated in aKawaguchi K180-I injection machine. As it would be toolengthy to list out all the steps involved in carrying outsuch design exercise here, a summary of the major actionsof this design example is presented in the followingparagraphs.1 Firstly, a remote user in the client side submits the CADfile of the mouse part which may be drawn or retrievedfrom the part drawing database and its requirements tothe server side.2 After answering all the questions concerning the partand customer mould specifications, a standard mouldbase is now automatically selected from the mould basedatabase (at present only HASCO mould bases areincluded in this database) and its dimensions would bedisplayed for confirmation.3 The design menu consists of eight basic functions, i.e.File, Edit, View, Modeling, Pre-design, Application(cavity layout design, feed design, cooling design,ejection design and mould construction, etc), Collabora-tion, and Help. At this stage, the designer has to selectthe cavity layout design function according to thegeneral mould design procedure. The knowledge baseof the programme suggests a symmetry cavity layout.The designer then designs the cavity and core insertsaround the cavity layout using the system’s CADfacilities. Next the designer selects feed system function.At this moment, the knowledge base would sort out therecommended methods for the design of feed system forthis part. Then the designer has to select one from thissorted list (edge gate, tab gate and fan gate), in this casehe selects edge gate. The computational routine of theprogramme would then automatically size the runnerand gate. The cavity layout, the core inserts and the feedsystem are displayed as shown in Fig. 7.4 Next, the designer selects mould construction from thedesign menu. The knowledge base already identifiedthe type of mould needed from the part code, i.e. aFig. 6. The test part. two-plate mould. The screen would then display thewhole mould base as shown in Fig. 8.5 Next the designer chooses cooling system. The knowl-edge base recommends the core and cavity coolingdesign with U-circuit. The screen then displays thecooling system in the drawing as shown in Fig. 9.6 Next the designer selects ejection system. The knowledgebase recommends the use of ejector pins. After enteringthe information concerning inpidual sizes, locationsand orientations, the ejection system is then displayed asshown in Fig. 互联网的注射模具智能设计系统外文文献和中文翻译(5):