10. The remaining job will be to reviewand modify the mould drawing if found necessary. design generally involves complex and multi-related designproblems and thus lacks a complete quantitative andstructured approach. The present methodology has in-volved breaking down the complete design problem into anumber of sub-problems (functional designs, e.g. feedsystem, cooling system, etc.) and developing a knowledgebase of solutions for the various sub-problems. By using acoding system as the mechanism of inference engine, theknowledge base is accessed from independent interactiveprogram, which aids the designer to select a number ofrecommended solutions to the particular functional designunder consideration. The selection of the actual solutionsand their final development into a finished design is left tothe mould designer so that their own intelligence andexperience could also be incorporated with the total moulddesign. In the implementation of the methodology, theprogram was written in modular structure to facilitateaccess to the knowledge base and to ensure its furtherdevelopment and extension. The approach adopted bothspeeds up the design process and facilitates designstandardization which in turn increases the speed of mouldmanufacture. The system can be incorporated as one of themodules of a collaborative product development system toprovide an effective and feasible tool to aid the collabora-tive design and development works of injection moulds inthe small- and medium-sized industries to satisfy thestringent requirements of nowadays competitive globalmarket.AcknowledgementsThe work described in this paper was supported by agrant from the Research Grants Council of the Hong KongSpecial Administrative Region, China (project no. CityU1123/03E).References[1] Jonas R, et al. Parts suitable for injection moulding, and optimummould(G). Text of Lecture Block X at the ninth plastics engineeringcolloquium, IKV Aachen. 1978.[2] Hui KC, Tan ST. Mould design with sweep operations—a heuristicsearch approach. Comput-aided Design 1992;24(2):81–91.[3] Huang TS, et al. IMD—an aided design software for the design ofinjection moulds. Pacific conference on manufacturing, Jakarta,Indonesia, December 1994. p. 377–85.[4] Chen YM, Liu JJ. Cost-effectiveness design for injection moulding.Robot Comput–Integrat Manuf 1999;15:1–21.[5] Fu MW, Fuh JYH, Nee AYC. Undercut feature in an injectionmould design system. Comput-aided Design 1999;31:777–90.[6] Chen YH, Wang YZ, Leung TM.
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