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时间:2019-06-07 17:19来源:毕业论文
2. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 1 wherein said console code printer interface further includes a print controller/synchronizer, the latter being coupled to said main processor and memory and to sa

  2. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 1 wherein said  console code printer interface further includes a print  controller/synchronizer, the latter being coupled to  said main processor and memory and to said printer,  said print controller/synchronizer including means for  detecting the presence of said mail piece and initiating  the printing of said coded address information thereon  at a predetermined time, and further including means  for determining the quality of the last mentioned print  ing.  3. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 2 wherein said data  path controller includes a plurality of ganged switches  for selectively providing destination data from said  keyboard directly to said EZR in a no-print mode and  from said main processor and memory via said key  board I/O interface to said EZR in a print mode.  4. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 3 wherein said  keyboard I/O interface includes a decimal-to-BCD  converter coupled to said keyboard for converting said  destination data to BCD format, the latter being applied  to said I/O data bus controller for use in said main  processor and memory, and further includes a BCD-to  decimal converter for converting the BCD formatted  destination data from said main processor and memory  to decimal form and for applying the latter to said EZR  via said data path controller.
  5. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 4- characterized in  that said coded address information is in the format of  the POSTNET bar code system. 
6. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 5 wherein said  means for detecting the presence of said mail piece and  initiating the printing of said coded address information  thereon comprises photocell means coupled to a mail  piece detector, the latter generating an output pulse in  response to the detection of the trailing edge of said  mail piece by said photocell means, counter means coupled to said mail piece detector, said output pulse of said  mail piece detector clearing said counter means and  effecting an interrupt of said CPU, shift register means  coupled to said I/O data bus controller and being re  sponsive to said interrupt for receiving bits of input data  representative of at least a portion of the destination  data for said mail piece, encoder means responsive to  the motion within said letter sorting machine for gener  ating a train of clock-type pulses, means interposed  between said encoder means and said counter means for  applying said last mentioned pulses to said counter  means, said counter means having a clock count output  terminal coupled to said shift register means whereby  said input data stored therein is shifted, out bit-by-bit in  response to said clock-type pulses, said counter means  initiating additional CPU interrupt signals and resultant  loading of said shift register means in response to the  reception of predetermined counts of said clock-type  pulses, said counter means having set count input termi  nals coupled to said I/O data bus controller for limiting  the total number of clock-type pulses which will be  accepted thereby in accordance with the ZIP digit  count and ?eld of the destination data, said printer being  coupled to said shift register means and being respon  sive to the data bits shifted out of the latter for printing  equivalent bar code indicia on said mail piece. 
7. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 6 wherein said  means for determining the quality of said printing in  cludes a read photo detector coupled to a bar code  detector, the latter generating an output signal in re  sponse to said photo detector, a pair of analog switches  each having an input terminal coupled in common to  5  15  20  25  30  said photo detector to receive said output signal, said  counter means having a pair of output terminals cou  pled respectively to said analog switches, said counter  means generating respective enable signals on said last  mentioned output terminals in response to the occur  rence of predetermined counts of said encoder clock  like pulses, said analog switches providing output signal  levels indicative respectively of the background and  printed bar areas of said mail piece in response to said  enable signals, means for comparing the amplitudes of  said output signal levels and for generating an error  signal in response to substantially like amplitudes, the  latter being indicative of insuf?cient contrast between  the printed bar and its background.  8. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 7 wherein said  analog switch for providing an output signal level indic  ative of the background area associated with a printed  bar area includes capacitor means for storing said last  mentioned signal level in order that it might be com  pared. with a subsequent signal level indicative of said  printed bar as generated by the other of said pair of  analog switches.  9. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 8 wherein said  keyboard of said input console is comprised of a regular  section and an auxiliary section.  10. A printer kit as de?ned in claim 9 wherein said  printer comprises a print head of the impact pin printer  type and buffer means interposed between said shift  register means and said print head for converting the  data shifted out of the former to high current drive  pulses for actuating the latter.  * III * Ik * 分拣机的打印机系统英文文献和中文翻译(6):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_34316.html