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时间:2019-06-09 15:35来源:毕业论文
The descriptive name associated with this approach, the method of sections, stems from one particular way of looking at how subassemblies are separated from the remainder of the truss. An imaginary se

The descriptive name associated with this approach, the method of sections, stems from one particular way of looking at how subassemblies are separated from the remainder of the truss. An imaginary section line is passed through the truss, piding it into two segments. It actuality there is no implication that the section line must be straight. The method of joints could quite easily be thought of in terms of passing a section line around each joint[see Figure 4-6(b)]. Both can be interchangeably used in analyzing trusses. The method of joints is often considered preferable for use when all the bar forces in a truss must be determined. The method of sections is particularly useful when only a limited number of forces must be found.
    所研究隔离部分的范围不受限制。可以考虑由几根杆件和几个连接点组成的一整段,也可以只注意单个连接点或杆件。为了得到一个结构中存在于某一特定位置上各种杆件的内力。需要至少在该点处把结构加以分解。图4-6(b)~(e) 展示了图4-6(a)中所示桁架各种杆件 土木工程英文文献和中文翻译(7):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_34445.html