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时间:2017-03-04 14:15来源:毕业论文
 Maximal injection molding machine pressure In addition to the previously mentioned parameters of injection molding, the module shows following simulation results: welding line position, distributi

    Maximal injection molding machine pressure
In addition to the previously mentioned parameters of injection molding, the module shows following simulation results: welding line position, distribution of air traps, the distribution of injection molding pressure, shear stress distribution, temperature distribution on the surface of the simulation model, the quality of filling of a simulation model, the quality of a simulation model from the standpoint of cooling, and time of injection molding. A part of output results from this module are the input data for the next module. These output results are: material grade and material supplier, modulus of elasticity in the flow direction, modulus of elasticity transverse direction, injection pressure, ejection temperature, mold temperature, melting temperature, highest melting temperature thermoplastic, thermoplastic density in liquid and solid state, and maximum pressure of injection molding machine. During implementation of iterative SA procedure, user defines the moldability simulation model and the parameters of injection molding. All results are represented by different colors in the regions of the simulation model.
2.3 Module for calculation of parameters of injection molding and mold design calculation and selection (module III)
This module is used for analytical calculations, mold sizing, and its selection. Two of the more forms for determining the dimensions of core and cavity mold plates are shown in Fig. 3.
Based on the dimensions of the simulation model and clamping force (Fig. 3) user selects the mold material and system calculates the width and length of core and cavity plates. Wall thickness between the mold cavity to the cooling channel can be calculated with the following three criteria: criterion allowable shear stress, allowable bending stress criterion, and the criterion of allowable angle isotherms are shown in Fig. 4. The system adopts the maximum value of comparing the values of wall thickness calculated by previously mentioned criteria.
Based on the geometry of the simulation model, user select shape and mold type. Forms for the selection mold shape, type, and subsystems are shown . Once these steps are completed, user implements the thermal, rheological and mechanical calculation of mold specifications. An example of one of the several forms for mechanical mold calculation is shown .
Segment of the algorithm of mechanical calculations is shown in Fig. 5.
fmax maximal flexure of cavity plate
fdop allowed displacement of cavity plate
ε elastic deformation
α min minimal value of shrinkage factor
Ek modulus of elasticity of cavity plate
G shear modulus
Sk wall thickness distance measuring between cavity and waterline
dKT cooling channel diameter

After the thermal, rheological, and mechanical calculations, user selects mold plates from the mold base. Form for the selection of standard mold plates is shown . The system calculates the value of thickness of risers, fixed, and movable mold plates . Based on the calculated dimensions, the system automatically adopts the first major standard value for the thickness of risers, movable, and fixed mold plate. Calculation of the thickness and the adoption of standard values are presented in the form as shown.
The interactive system recommends the required mold plates. The module loads dimensions from the database and generates a solid model of the plate. After the plate selection, the plate is automatically dimensioned, material plate is assigned, and 3D model and 2D technical drawing are generated on demand. Dimensions of mold component (e.g., fixed plate) are shown in the form for mold plate mode generation.
The system loads the plate size required from the mold base. In this way, load up any other necessary standard mold plates that make up the mold subassembly. Subassembly mold model made up of instance plates are shown, then get loaded other components of subsystems as shown in. Subsystem for selection other components include bolts and washers. The way of components selection are based on a production rules by authors and by company “D-M-E” . 注塑模具设计CAD/CAE集成英文文献和翻译(3):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_3725.html