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时间:2017-03-04 14:15来源:毕业论文
In module III, the system calculates clamping force F=27.9 kN, cooling channel diameter dKT=6 mm, cooling channel length lKT=90 mm. Given the shape and dimensions of the simulation model, square shape

In module III, the system calculates clamping force F=27.9 kN, cooling channel diameter dKT=6 mm, cooling channel length lKT=90 mm. Given the shape and dimensions of the simulation model, square shape of mold with normal performance was selected as shown. Selected mold assembly standard series: 1,616, length and width of mold housing 156×156 mm as shown. In the segment of calculation shown in Fig. 8, mold design system panel recommends the following mold plates:
    Top clamping plate N03-1616-20
    Bottom clamping plate N04-1616-20
    Fixed mold plate (core plate) N10A-1616-36
    Movable plate (cavity plate) N10B-1616-36
    Support plate N20-1616-26
    Risers N30-1616-46
    Ejector retainer plate N40-1616-10
    Ejector plate N50-1616-12
After finishing the fixed and movable mold plates from the standpoint of CAD modeling core and cavity plates, cooling channel, followed by manual selection of other mold standard components such as sprue bush, locating ring, guide pins, guide bush, leading bushing guide, spacer plates, screws (M4×10, M10×100, M10×30, M6×16, M10×30, etc.) and modeling nonstandard mold components (if any) ejector pins, ejector holes, inserts etc. A complete model of the mold assembly with tested simulation model is shown .
4 Conclusion
The objective of this research was to develop a CAD/CAE integrated system for mold design which is based on Pro/ ENGINEER system and uses specially designed and developed modules for mold design. This paper presents a software solution for multiple cavity mold of identical molding parts, the so-called one product mold. The system is dedicated to design of normal types of molds for products whose length and width are substantially greater than product height, i.e., the system is customized for special requirements of mold manufacturers. The proposed system allows full control over CAD/CAE feature parameters which enables convenient and rapid mold modification. The described CAD/CAE modules are feature-based, parametric, based on solid models, and object oriented. The module for numerical simulation of injection molding allows the determination selection of injection molding parameters. The module for calculation of parameters of injection molding process and mold design calculation and selection improves design faster, reduces mold design errors, and provides geometric and precision information necessary for complete mold design. The knowledge base of the system can be accessed by mold designers through interactive modules so that their own intelligence and experience can also be incorporated into the total mold design. Manufacture of the part confirms that the developed CAD/CAE system provides correct results and proves to be a confident software tool. Future research will be directed towards three main goals. The first is to develop a system for automation of family mold design. Another line of research is the integration with CAPP system for plastic injection molds manufacturing developed at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Finally, following current trends in this area, a collaborative system using web technologies and blackboard architecture shall be designed and implemented.
摘要:模具设计是一个知识聚集的过程,本文介绍了一种以面向、参数、模块化和基于特征的集成计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助工程(CAD/CAE)系统知识为基础的模具设计。CAx系统数值模拟注塑和模具设计的发展为模具设计的产品分析开辟了新的可能性。这个建议包括集成的Pro/ENGINEER系统的注塑成型工艺参数的计算,模具设计与专门开发的模块,和选择模具元素。使用参数和基于特征的CAD/CAE数据库系统接口,以简化程序的设计、编辑和审阅。还提出从拟议的CAD /CAE一体化注塑模具设计系统的总体结构和一部分的输出结果。 注塑模具设计CAD/CAE集成英文文献和翻译(5):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_3725.html