5 Illustrating for Fixture Design by CBR
This is a workpiece (seeFig.4). Its material is 45# steel. Its name is seat. Its shape is block, and the product batch size is middle, etc. A fixture is turning fixture that serves to turn the hole, which needs to be designed.
The value of feature, attribute, case index code and weight of the workpiece is show n in Tab.2.
Through searching, and calculating the similarity, the case index code of the most similar case is 19325513321402000, and the detailed information is show n in Tab. 3.
The similarity is calculated as follows:
So the value of similarity measure of the fixture which needs to be designed with the most analogical case in case library is 0.806, and the structure of the most analogical case is shown in Fig.5.
After having been substituted the component, modified the locating model and clamp model, and adjusted the relative dimension, the new fixture is designed, and the figure is show n in Fig.6.
As there is not the analogical fixture in the case library, the new fixture is restored in to the case library. The case index code is 19325513311402000.
6 Conclusion
CBR, as a problem solving methodology, is a more efficient method than an expert system to simulate human thought, and has been developed in many domains where knowledge is difficult to acquire. The advantages of the CBR are as follows: it resembles human thought more closely; the building of a case library which has self learning ability by saving new cases is easier and faster than the building of a rule library; and it supports a better transfer and explanation of new knowledge that is more different than the rule library. A proposed fixture design framework on the CBR has been implemented by using Visual C ++, UG/Open API in U n graphics with Oracle as database support, which also has been integrated with the 32D parametric common component library, common components library and typical fixture library. The prototype system, developed here, is used for the aviation project, and aids the fixture designers to improve the design efficiency and reuse previous design resources.
关键词: 基于事例的推理 夹具设计 CAD
夹具是以确定工件安全定位准确为目的的装置,并在加工过程中保持工件与刀具或机床的位置一致不变。因为夹具的结构依赖于产品的特点和在企业规划中加工工序的地位,所以它的设计是制造过程中的瓶颈,制约着效率的提高. 夹具设计是一个复杂的过程,需要有从大量的设计论文中了解质量知识的经验,这些设计论文包括工件的结构设计、涉及加工工艺,和加工环境。当用这些擅长绘制详细设计图的传统的CAD工具(如Unigraphics、CATIA、Pro/E)时,这仍然是一项非常耗时的工作,但是利用以往的设计经验和资源也不能提供一些益处,而这正是提高效率的关键因素. 基于事例推理 (CBR) 的方法适应以往个案解决的办法,建立一个新问题的方法,主要有以下四步骤:检索、利用、修改,并保留.这是一个比用专业系统模仿人类思文有用的使用方法,因为提出一个类似的情况,和采用一些修改,似乎不言自明,而且比人类更直观.所以支持不同事例的设计工具已经在诸多领域中发展起来,如在注射成型及设计、建筑设计、模具设计投死, 规划过程中,还有夹具设计. 孙用751个数字组成代码参数,包括工件的形状、机械部分、轴衬,第一定位装置,第二定位装置和夹紧装置. 但这个系统不能用于除钻床夹具外的其他夹具类型,不能解决储存需要保留的同一参数代码的问题,这在CBR中是非常重要的. 夹具设计研究与应用英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_3763.html