We agree with Professor Gauvreau that “technological innovation is the link between the need to minimize cost and new opportunities for aesthetic expression” and we believe that this goal has been achieved in the Esplanade Riel Bridge, in which innovative technologies have been used to design and build a structure that complements its environment while serving its utility of function.
The last argument that we would like to make is that bridges, born of practical necessity, represent an outstanding evolution of technology and art spanning two thousand years of engineering and aesthetic triumphs. To tie these concepts down and freeze an item in a certain historical time frame is not a good practice. With the advances in construction materials made in the 21st century, many things are possible that could not have been considered in older structures. We, as civil structural engineers, should introduce new forms and shapes to build sustainable and aesthetically pleasing structures that complement their environment; and not allow ourselves to become mired in resistance to change as we have done in the past to our detriment.
Doug Stewart, MCSC, Wardrop Engineering
Mr. Gauvreau’s assumption that the use of Architects (or other creative consultants) has lead to extravagance and indirect and inefficient load paths is off the mark. Engineers were front and center defining the primary characteristics of the structural system of Esplanade Riel Bridge. The loads are carried in a simple and effective manner, but there is much more to it.
The Salginatobel Bridge referenced in Mr. Gauvreau’s article stands as Robert Maillart’s engineering masterpiece and fits perfectly in its context. The Esplanade Riel Bridge and the other bridges referenced (Millennium Bridge, Sundial Bridge) were built in their own context with different goals. Applying Mr. Gauvreau’s proposition that technological innovation as the only link between economy and aesthetics may have satisfied civil engineers but, in the context of the Esplanade Riel Pedestrian Bridge, would not have satisfied the public. Our community wanted more.
The defining features of the bridge came from not only the balanced loads and forces, but from listening to desires and feelings expressed by perse, interested inpiduals throughout a comprehensive and well thought out public consultation process.The success of the project and embrace by the community comes from the Engineer’s interpretation of stakeholder passion as well as gravity’s impact and material resistance. The traditional engineering goals of safety, function, durability, economics and are balanced with the broader, community, aesthetics, cultural, political, historic and business goals.
The Esplanade Riel Bridge responds to much more than engineering needs, and citizens and visitors are rewarded with a personal experience when crossing the bridge, which was not imagined or calculated during the design process.
Billington, D. 1983. The tower and the bridge, the new art of structural engineering. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Leonhardt, F. 1984. Bridges. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Mufti, A. And Bakht, B. 2002. Fazlur Khan (1929-1982): Reflections on his life and works, CJCE, 29: 238-245.
Ohata, T. et al. 1987. Aesthetic design method for bridges. ASCE, 113(8):
Paul Gauvreau, University of Toronto
I wish to thank Mr. Stewart as well as Messrs. Mufti, Bakht, and Tadros for their discussions of my article. We are long overdue for a vigorous public debate on bridge aesthetics in this country.
Messrs, Mufti, Bakht, and Tadros have raised questions regarding my critique of the Esplanade Riel Bridge. I discussed this structure as an example of a bridge intended to create aesthetic impact, yet which stands outside the tradition of Maillart’s Salginatobel Bridge because of its indirect load path and high cost. I stand by this statement. Although the discussers have questioned the validity of critiquing the Esplanade Riel Bridge based on cost (which will be addressed later in this closure), they have not questioned the assertion that this bridge is expensive. 桥梁工程英文文献和中文翻译(5):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_41394.html