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时间:2019-10-26 14:34来源:毕业论文
Mr. Stewart also disagrees with my characterization of the Esplanade Riel Bridge as expensive and of its load path as indirect, yet he likewise provides no factual evidence to counter these points. Fo

Mr. Stewart also disagrees with my characterization of the Esplanade Riel Bridge as expensive and of its load path as indirect, yet he likewise provides no factual evidence to counter these points. For reasons given previously, I disagree with his characterization of the inclined tower as a “simple and effective” load path.
I thank Mr. Stewart for pointing out that the Esplanade Riel Bridge was the outcome of a comprehensive process of public consultation. This is an important dimension of the bridge that I did not mention in my article. The public is right to insist on high standards of quality in infrastructure projects as well as sensitivity to their concerns. Given the broad acclaim and recognition that the bridges of Maillart, Menn, and other engineers working in this tradition have earned from scholars, artists, and lay people, however, it is incorrect for Mr. Stewart to suggest that bridge that achieve both economy and aesthetic significance through technological innovation are only capable of satisfying civil engineers.
Finally, we need to have realistic expectations of what can be achieved through public involvement in the planning and design of bridges. The public consultation process can be an effective means of building consensus within communities on specific design decisions. This usually involves finding a solution that is acceptable to a majority of community member. Although this process is fine in itself, it is often at odds with the creation of works of aesthetic significance, which can require making decisions that go contrary to conventional notions of what the majority considers to be acceptable. All of Maillart’s significant bridges are located outside of major cities because his bold visual forms did not conform to contemporary notions of what bridges should look like. As one engages in a process of public consultation, therefore, one should be mindful that popularity is a quality that can change dramatically over time.
    不管塞金纳特伯桥花了多少钱,它的视觉冲击足以保证桥梁的美学意义是广泛认可的。事实上,它从来没有以最低成本的选择来建立的,然而却丰富了它的意义并将其从一只美丽的桥变成一个生动的人的创造精神力量的象征。事实上,它的设计没有建筑师或其他创意顾问的任何干预,这对土木工程师来说是个特别有意义的事情。 桥梁工程英文文献和中文翻译(7):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_41394.html