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时间:2020-05-30 20:02来源:毕业论文
Undercurrent circumstances, the most feasible ways that the government can manage is theprovision of support in safety training and a proper legal framework with stringentenforcement. Construction is

Undercurrent circumstances, the most feasible ways that the government can manage is theprovision of support in safety training and a proper legal framework with stringentenforcement. Construction is one of the most hazardous industries due to its unique nature. Byinternational standards, the construction site safety record of China is poor. Everyyear there are about 1000 recorded fatalities in construction sites and a large numberof reported occupational accidents; however, it is believed that the figures show onlythe tip of an iceberg with a large number of unreported fatalities and accidents(Table 5). The safety management in most Chinese construction firms is of graveconcern as shown by the finding that:• most contractors do not have a proper documented safety management systemlaid down clearly in the safety manuals;• it is surprisingly to find that only a small percentage of contractors provides ad-equate necessary PPE for their workers;• top management has a perfunctory attitude towards safety management as re-vealed from their seldom attendance to safety meetings; and• Only a small number of contractors offer systematic safety training.As shown in Fig. 4, most (68%) of the respondents considered  impairing repu-tation of firms  as the most serious impact of site accidents whilst few of them (5%)




 在世界各地,,建筑行业都因其独特的性质而成为最危险的行业之一(Jannadi and Bu-Khamsin, 2002)。施工安全始终是相关从业人员和研究人员严重关切的问题。目前许多已经被确定的影响建筑行业施工安全的因素包括工人的态度(Hinze,1981)、建筑公司规模、安全政策、项目协调、经济压力(Hinze and Raboud,1988)、管理培训(Gun, 1993; Jaselskis and Suazo, 1994)以及安全文化(Tam and Fung,1998; Glendon and Stanton, 2000; Tam et al., 2001)。目前对于如何防止职业伤害和提高安全性能应采取的措施已经进行了广泛地探讨(Laufer and Ledbetter, 1986; Harper and Koehn, 1998)。其中的一些研究(Fellner and Sulzer-Azaroff, 1984; Mattila and Hyodynmaa, 1988; Laitinen and Ruohomaki, 1996)表明:对于目标已经宣布并且可以得到反馈信息的项目,其安全指数显著高于没有反馈的。Hakkinen(1995)提出一个被称为“高级管理人员安全管理一小时”的训练计划,这个项目成功的吸引了管理者们对于安全问题的关注。一项研究表明在实施项目零事故目标之后,83%的项目实现了目标(工人权利保障中心,1993;Hinze and Wilson, 2000)。至于中国的建筑施工安全情况,就相关的国际标准而言是非常糟糕的。1999年,有923个四级以上的施工现场事故(每个事故涉及两个死亡;或3-19个严重受伤,或10 -30百万元人民币的直接经济损失)发生在农村建设中,其中有1097个建筑工人失去了他们的生命(中国建筑统计年鉴,2000年),1999年总施工劳动力达到24286000人,其中遭遇四到五级现场严重事故人数比例为每100000人中有3.8人,致死率在这些严重事故中占为每100000人中有4.5论文网。这个数据严重低估了总死亡率,因为单一的死亡并没有完全报告。(据估计,根据NIOSH 2003年提供的数据,美国工人的实际的死亡率大约为每100000名工人中有15.2人)。本文描述了一个从中国建筑行业对于安全管理现状的结构化问卷调查和访谈中得出的结果,以下列几点为目标: 施工安全管理因素英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_53339.html
