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时间:2017-04-19 22:45来源:毕业论文
4. Hill, D. Further studies of the injection moulding process. Appl.Math. Modeling 1996, 20, 719730. 5. Galantucci, L.M.; Spina, R. Evaluation of filling conditions ofinjection moulding by integrating

4. Hill, D. Further studies of the injection moulding process. Appl.Math. Modeling 1996, 20, 719–730.
5. Galantucci, L.M.; Spina, R. Evaluation of filling conditions ofinjection moulding by integrating numerical simulations andexperimental tests. Journal of Materials Processing Technology2003, 141, 266–275.
6. Wang, Q.; Jin-Ping, Q.; He, L. Effect of vibration parameters of electromagnetic dynamic plastics injection molding machine on mechanical properties of polypropylene samples. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2006, 102, 972–976.
7. Zhong, Z.W.; Yang, H.B. Development of a vibration device for grinding with micro vibration. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2004, 19, 1121–1132.
8. Zhong, Z.W.; Lin, G. Diamond turning of a metal matrix composite with ultrasonic vibrations. Materials and Manufacturing Processes 2005, 20, 727–735.
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11. Yin, X.; Qu, J. Experimental study of the vibration-assisted MIM process on cavity presure. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 2006, 16, 375–383.
12. Zheng, Y.; Kai, Z.S.; Jie, Z.; Li, M.C.; Chixing, Z. Effect of vibration on rheology of polymer melt. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2002, 85, 1587–1592.
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14. Liu, Y.-J. Elastic behavior of polymer melt extruding trough capillarity with an additional sinusoidal vibration. Polymer Bulletin 2006, 56, 599–606.
15. Claveria, I.; Javierre, C.; Ponz, L. Method for generation of rheological model to caracterize non-conventional injection molding by means of spiral mold. Journal of Material Processing
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16. Piau, J.M.; Piau, M. Easier flow of viscoplastic materials with ultrasonic longitudinal wall motion. Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 2002, 104, 185–226.
17. Abu-Dheir, N.; Khraisheh, M.; Saito, K.; Male, A. Silicon morphology in the autectic Al-Si alloy using mechanical mold vibration. Material Science and Enginering A 2005, 393, 109–117.
18. Martins, M.; Covas, J.A. Polymer melt flow through channels with vibrating walls. Key Engineering Materials 2002, 230–232,200–302.
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