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时间:2021-08-01 20:56来源:毕业论文
n0, as well as the measured Poissons ratio and tensile strength fu as obtained from the coupon tests, are given in Table 2. The CFSST specimens were all cast by using self-consolidating concrete (SCC)

n0, as well as the measured Poisson’s ratio and tensile strength fu

as obtained from the coupon tests, are given in Table    2.

The CFSST specimens were all cast by using self-consolidating concrete (SCC). Two  types of concrete were prepared to fill    the

steel tubes, namely normal concrete and recycled aggregate con- crete (RAC). The mix proportions of the fresh concrete are pre-

where N0 = axial load applied to the composite column; and Nu = axial compressive capacity of  the column.  The value  of Nu   was

sented in Table 3. For RAC, 50% by weight of natural coarse aggregate was replaced by recycled coarse aggregate, which   was

Table 1. Summary of Specimen  Information

type label type (mm) N0  (kN) level n (kN) Kie ðkN · m2 Þ Kse ðkN · m2Þ coefficient (μ) Etotal  (kN · m)

Circular CN-0 Normal 120.0 × 4.0 16.1 0.02 61.5 596.9 553.1 >8.95 42.68

CN-3 Normal 120.0 × 4.0 241.7 0.3 61.1 992.2 664.2 5.28 33.84

CR-3 RAC 120.0 × 4.0 230.7 0.3 62.4 1,038.1 659.4 7.04 30.57

CN-6 Normal 120.0 × 4.0 483.3 0.6 54.3 1,724.0 912.6 4.58 23.35

CR-6 RAC 120.0 × 4.0 461.4 0.6 52.7 1,717.5 846.1 4.69 19.92

Square SN-0 Normal 120.0 × 4.0 27.6 0.02 140.1 1,094.1 980.0 >6.09 27.18

SN-3 Normal 120.0 × 4.0 不锈钢钢管混凝土的实验反应英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.751com.cn/fanyi/lunwen_79367.html
