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时间:2018-05-24 20:42来源:毕业论文

摘要:人力资源的管理水平决定着旅游业的发展,是提升旅游企业国际竞争力和可持续发展能力的重要保障。新旅游法自2013年10月1日起实施以后,对河南省旅游企业和旅游从业人员都产生了很大的影响,为了促进旅游业健康稳步发展,加强和完善人力资源管理就成为了我省旅游企业急需解决的问题。近年来,随着旅游业的快速发展,我省旅游企业逐渐加大了对人力资源开发与管理的投资力度,旅游企业的人力资源管理整体上呈现一个良好的态势,但是,由于经济发展不完善,我省旅游企业人力资源管理还存在旅游业从业人员整体素质不高且比例失调、人力资源管理方式落后、员工培训经验不足等问题, 因此为了提高人力资源管理的水平,我省旅游企业应采取培养专业人才,完善人才比例、建立以人为本的管理机制、完善培训机制等措施。23303
Tourism Enterprises in Henan Province Human Resource Management and Countermeasures
Abstract:The management of human resources determines the development of tourism, is an important guarantee for tourism enterprises to enhance international competitiveness and sustainable development capacity. After the new tourism law since October 1, 2013 implementation of Henan tourism enterprises and tourism practitioners have had a great impact, in order to promote the healthy and steady development of tourism, strengthen and improve human resource management has become a province tourism enterprises need to solve the problem. In recent years, with the rapid development of tourism, the province's tourism enterprises have gradually increased investment in human resources development and management, showing a good momentum of tourism enterprises human resource management as a whole, however, due to the economic development of the imperfect , the province's tourism human resource management in the tourism industry there is the overall quality is not high and imbalance, human resource management, inadequate staff training and experience problems, so in order to raise the level of human resource management, tourism enterprises in our province should take training professionals, improve the ratio of talent to build a people-oriented management mechanism, measures to improve training mechanism.
Key Words: Henan; tourism enterprises; Human Resource Management
目   录
摘  要    1
Abstract    2
一、相关概念界定    2
(一)旅游企业的概念界定    2
(二)旅游企业人力资源的概念界定    2
(三) 旅游企业人力资源管理的概念界定    2
二、河南省旅游企业人力资源管理的现状    3
(一)旅游企业人力资源数量充足    3
(二)旅游企业人力资源年龄结构较年轻化    3
(三)政府对旅游企业人力资源管理比较重视    4
(四)旅游企业越来越重视人力资源的管理    4
(五)新旅游法对旅游业人力资源管理起到了改善作用    5
三、河南省旅游企业人力资源管理中遇到的问题    5
(一)人员整体素质不高且比例失调    5
(二)员工管理缺乏长远规划    6
(三)员工培训经验不足    7
(四)员工流动频繁,管理难度加大    9
(五)员工福利待遇低,收入结构不合理    10
(751)新旅游法的实施力度不够    11
四、应对旅游业人力资源管理中遇到的问题应采取的措施    11
(一)培养专业人才,完善人才比例    11 河南省旅游企业人力资源管理的现状及对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_16303.html