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时间:2018-11-29 10:38来源:毕业论文

关键词    人口老龄化    农村老年人    生活质量
Title    Research on quality of life of elderly pepole in rural areas                     
  ——Taking C town of Suqian, Jiangsu Province as an example                                       
At present, the aging population has become a prominent social problem in the world,which has caused the attention of the society. China is the most populous country in the world which is a developing country, as early as 1999 officially entered the aging society. The Sixth census data in 2010 shows that the number of rural elderly has reached 99.28 million, accounting for 55.9% of the elderly in the country, and the degree of aging in the rural areas was significantly higher than that of urban,so the quality of life of rural elderly plays an important role in the entire elderly population, even the social quality of living level. But in fact, the whole community’s attention on the quality of life of the aged in rural areas is not enough, the theoretical guidance on how to improve the quality of life is not enough,too.Therefore,I selected C town of Suqian, Jiangsu Province as the investigation points and took the elderly in rural areas as the research object,focused on the quality of life of the elderly aspects of life.During the survey,I found that there are many problems for the elderly,such as low income,lack of caregivers,medical difficulties, lack of spiritual and cultural life,etc. From the perspective of government,family,inpiduals and social workers,I put forward some suggestions such as developing the rural economy,improving the rural social security system,paying attentiion to spiritual and cultural needs of the elderly,to improve their quality of life and help them spend the rest of his life without difficulty.
Keywords   Aging population   Rural Elderly   Quality of life 
 目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  文献综述    2
1.3  研究目的、意义、创新与不足    5
1.4  研究设计    7
2  调查样本的基本情况    12
2.1  调查地区概况    12
2.2  样本特征    12
3  农村老年人生活质量的描述性分析    15
3.1  客观生活质量的描述性分析    15 江苏农村老年人的生活质量研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_26661.html