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时间:2018-12-31 17:28来源:毕业论文

The investigation of the pro-social behaviors of college students
——in normal college as an example
Abstract: With the purpose of analyzing the present situation of pro-social behaviors of collegians, this study stratified sampling 300 subjects of normal college, using the college students pro-social behavior scale and interpersonal Trust Scale. conclusions are obtained : The level of the pro-social behavior of collegians located on the middle; Collegians of different gender have dramatic differences in the pro-social behaviors .It displayed mainly in the publicity, neuroticism ,altruism, adherence compliance this  four dimensions .And the prosocial behaviors of collegians in anonymous and emergency these two dimensions of different gender have no significant differences; The prosocial behavior of female than for male; In the mass ,the prosocial behaviors of collegians have no grade differences. The grade differences in altruism, emergency these two dimensions have remarkable difference; The different level of interpersonal trust of collegians, prosocial behaviors have remarkable differences. Interpersonal trust that people with higher levels of the prosocial behavior is higher than the low level of interpersonal trust.
Key words: Pro-social behavior; College students; investigate
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract.    1
引言    2
1对象与方法    3
1.1调查对象    3
1.2调查方法    3
1.3调查工具    3
1.4数据处理    4
2调查结果    4
2.1大学生亲社会行为的总体状况    4
2.2大学生亲社会行为的性别差异    4
2.3大学生亲社会行为的年级差异    5
2.4大学生亲社会行为的人际信任水平的差异    6
3讨论    6
3.1大学生亲社会行为处于中等偏上水平    6
3.2女大学生亲社会行为高于男大学生    7
3.3大学生亲社会行为的文度年级差异显著    7
3.4不同人际信任水平的大学生亲社会行为差异显著    7
4结论    8
5研究不足与展望    8
参考文献    9
附录Ⅰ    10
附录Ⅱ    12
致谢    14
当前社会中存在很多社会冷漠的事例,如:2010年12月,在济南长途车站,2名没有买票的男子强行闯入由济南发往菏泽的汽车,并且肆意翻动乘客行李,司机李国强英勇出面阻止。没想到争执之下,其中一名歹徒用水果刀连捅了李国强5刀,李国强应声倒在了血泊之中,车上却没有一名乘客对司机伸出援助之手;2011年10月13日,在佛山南海黄岐广佛五金城,2岁的小悦悦被两辆车从身上相继碾压而过,7分钟内18名路人从小悦悦身边经过都视而不见,漠然而去,直到一位拾荒阿姨陈贤妹看到并救起小悦悦,10月21日0时32分,2岁小悦悦因抢救无效在医院去世。一个年仅两岁的孩子,还没来得及看完世间的美好,却见到了世间最丑陋的一面。社会上发生的冷漠事件引人深思。那么作为马上步入社会的大学生他们的亲社会行为如何,值得研究。 大学生亲社会行为的调查研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_28549.html