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时间:2019-01-05 10:32来源:毕业论文

Study on SME’s development path
Abstract:SMEs(Small and medium enterprises) as an important component of the socialist market economy, its level of development relating to the smooth operation of our economy, but also strongly affect China's social stability and employment. At present, the development of SMEs as a whole in a steady state of growth, but still faces a very serious test, difficulties in financing and personnel shortages, many still hinder the development of SMEs. In order to smooth the development of SMEs, we need to explore the path of development of SMEs.From business and government and other aspects of comprehensive consideration proposed SME itself should focus on in the development process and difficult to solve, while the government should cut through the corresponding appropriate policies to enable SMEs to cope with various difficulties in the development process, so that small and medium healthy and stable growth of business and growth in line with development and social progress of the times.
Keywords: SMEs(Small and medium enterprises)development path
 目  录
一 、绪论    - 1 -
(一)研究意义    - 1 -
(二)文献综述    - 1 -
(三)研究思路与研究方法    - 2 -
二、 中小型企业发展的现状    - 3 -
(一)中小型企业数量稳步增长    - 3 -
(二)中小型企业为社会创造更多的就业机会    - 4 -
(三)中小型企业存在优势集中,发展不平衡现象    - 4 -
(四)中小企业普遍参与国际分工与竞争    - 5 -
三、 中小企业发展面临的困难    - 5 -
(一)中小企业普遍存在融资困难问题    - 5 -
(二)中小企业缺乏创新能力    - 6 -
(三)中小企业人才短缺、人才流失严重    - 6 -
四、 中小企业发展的机遇与优势    - 7 -
(一)政府扶植与政策支持    - 7 -
(二)电子商务蓬勃发展    - 8 -
(三)业主年轻化    - 8 -
(四)退出成本较低    - 8 -
五、中小企业的发展路径    - 9 -
(一)企业应解决困难并提高水平    - 9 -
(二)政府应帮助企业改善生存环境    - 12 -
751、总结    - 14 -
参考文献    - 15 -
一 、绪论
近年来,国内外经济形势突变,我国经济为应对新形势,并迎接即将到来的挑战,将会逐渐降速转型,步入新常态,意着GDP增幅明显放缓,产业结构调整转移;同时,国际经济下行,仍未从冲击中完全恢复。以上种种都给中小企业发展带来了很大的挑战与困难。中小企业仍然存在着诸多阻碍其发展升级的问题,绝大部分的中小企业都表现出了企业发展活力的疲软。 中小企业发展路径研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_28729.html