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时间:2019-06-01 20:43来源:毕业论文
Fire water is set up a temporary fire water supply system, the basic conditions required to be provided on or near the construction site stable and reliable water supply, and should meet the needs of

Fire water is set up a temporary fire water supply system, the basic conditions required to be provided on or near the construction site stable and reliable water supply, and should meet the needs of the construction site temporary fire water. Fire water can be used for public water network or natural water sources, while the use of natural water sources, measures should be adopted to ensure that the frozen season, well water when the dry season the lowest level, and to meet the requirements of temporary fire water. The design selected for the fire water about 100m away from the construction site of the river.
Automatic fire alarm linkage control technology is an integrated fire control technology, is an important and emerging technologies and modern automatic fire discipline techniques. Automatic fire alarm system in the building design is an important aspect. It relates to an automatic fire alarm system type selection, determine the method of fire detection, fire detector selection, system engineering, fire equipment joint control several aspects of implementation and distribution systems and other fire constitution. Selection of the design smoke detectors, mainly for temporary buildings, such as dormitories, offices, warehouses and other inflammable and explosive dangerous goods. The mounting pitch limit graph shows the distance between each probe to determine the layout.
Selection is based on the type of fire extinguisher main fire scene to design, known from the design specification, each region may start a fire hazard level, and then determine the area of fire extinguishers set points, after the calculation formula to determine the region arrangement required several fire extinguishers, furthermore determine the type of fire extinguisher, which completed the construction site of the fire extinguishers configuration.
1 绪论    1
1.1 本文研究的背景及意义    1
1.2 建筑消防现状分析    4
1.2.1 消防力量极其薄弱    5
1.2.2 消防设施和消防技术比较落后    6
1.2.3 电气火灾越来越多,呈不断增长趋势    7
1.2.4 建筑工地火灾增多    7
1.3 课题研究主要内容    7
2 建筑工地的火灾隐患分析    8
2.1工程概况    8
2.2建筑工地火灾特点    8
2.2.1引发火灾的因素多    9
2.2.2火势蔓延迅速    9
2.2.3火灾扑救难度大    9
2.3 PHA法分析建筑工地火灾隐患风险    10
2.3.1 PHA(预先危险性分析)    10
2.3.2 PHA法分析施工工地火灾隐患风险    10
2.4 LEC法分析施工工地火灾隐患风险    12
2.4.1 LEC法简述    12
2.4.2 量化分值标准    12
2.4.3 LEC法分析火灾隐患风险    13
2.5 施工现场火灾发展阶段    15
2.5.1初起阶段    15
2.5.2.发展阶段    15
2.5.3鼎盛阶段    16
2.5.4熄灭阶段    16
2.6施工工地火灾蔓延途径    16
2.7 施工现场火灾隐患的分析小结    16
3 某施工工地总平面防火设计    18
3.1总平面的布置原则    18
3.1.1 总平面的布局内容    18
3.1.2合理布置临时用房和临时设施位置    18
3.1.3重点区域的布置原则    18
3.2防火间距    19
3.3临时消防车通道    21
3.3.1临时消防车通道设置要求    21
3.3.2临时消防救援场地的设置    21
3.4 消防水源    21 某建筑工地火灾隐患分析与消防设计(3):http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_34074.html