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时间:2019-07-28 10:56来源:毕业论文

Research of construction project cost control
Abstract:Withthe continuous development of China's economic construction enterprises in the new situation in the construction project cost control in exposed many problems, especially the method is simple, cost control and corrective measures are not timely. If these issues can not be effectively solved, is bound to affect the normal development of enterprises. Therefore, improvement and rational application of the construction project cost control theory, in order to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises is particularly important.
First, analyzes the cost control of construction enterprises in China and analyzes the main factors of the cost control.Secondlythrough specific examples of projects in the project cost control theory applied, the actual project earned value analysis, cost control theory to guide practical work, and achieved good results. In addition, works to promote, according to the actual situation in a timely manner to take the appropriate corrective measures, and afterwards to analyze the reasons, summed up the successful experience of cost control theory.
In this paper the successful application of the theory alive Park will be specific examples of projects through cost control, rich construction phase cost control theoryprovides a good management ideas and implementation methods for this stage of construction enterprises and enhancetheir competitiveness and improve the regulations it system, improve the management level has a certain reference.
Keywords:Cost control; Earned Value Concept;Corrective measure
目  录
1. 绪论    1
 1.1 研究背景和意义    1
  1.1.1 研究背景    1
  1.1.2 研究意义    2
 1.2 研究内容    3
 1.3 研究方法    3
2 . 施工建设工程成本控制的概述    5
 2.1 成本控制的涵义    5
 2.2 成本控制的原则    5
 2.3 成本控制的目标    6
 2.4 成本控制的分类    6
3. 施工建设企业的现状及成本影响因素    8
 3.1 我国工程施工成本控制存在的现状    8
  3.1.1 管理手段落后    8
  3.1.2 技术与经济脱节    8
  3.1.3 没有形成系统的方法体系    8
  3.1.4 实施方法不完善    8
 3.2 施工建设项目成本的主要影响因素分析    8
  3.2.1 投标报价因素    9 施工建设项目成本控制的研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_36390.html