摘要:产业结构转型升级,是指产业结构由高污染、高能源消耗向低污染、低能源消耗的升级,它是产业结构从粗放型向集约型转变的重要过程。目前,河南省产业结构仍存在主导产业竞争力不强、技术水平低等问题,要实现产业结构的高质量转型升级,就对人才的类型、规格、层次有了多样化的要求。产业结构转型不仅需要大量的高层次科技创新人才和管理人才,同时还需要大量的中高级技术人才和复合型人才。在分析河南省产业结构现状后,结合目前河南省产业结构存在的不足, 指出河南省产业结构转型升级的发展方向,并对各产业中人才的需求和培养提出具体的对策建议。本文对解决河南省产业结构转型升级下人才供应不匹配有重要的现实意义,并对河南省人力资源水平的整体提升有重要的促进作用。38290
Research on The Upgrading of Industrial Structure Transformation and Upgrading to The Talent Demand in Henan Province
Abstract: Transformation of industrial structure upgrade, refers to the industrial structure by high pollution ,high energy consumption to upgrade of low pollution, low energy consumption, it is industrial structure from extensive to intensive change is an important process. At present, the industrial structure of Henan Province there are still leading industrial competitiveness is not strong, the low level of technology issues, to achieve the transformation and upgrading of the industrial structure of the high quality, the talent types, specifications and levels persified requirements. The transformation of industrial structure not only needs a large number of high-level scientific and technological innovation talent and management personnel, but also needs a lot of middle and senior technical talents and compound talents. In the analysis of the present situation of industrial structure of Henan Province, combined with the problems existing in the industrial structure of Henan Province, and points out that the Henan Province industrial structure transformation and upgrading development direction, and the demand for talents in the industry and raises specific suggestions. This paper has the important practical significance for solving the talent supply mismatch in the upgrading and upgrading of industrial structure transformation and upgrading of Henan Province, and has an important role in promoting the overall promotion of human resources in Henan province.
Key Words: Industrial Structure of Henan Province; Transformation and Upgrading; Inter-disciplinary Talent; Cultivation of Talents
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract: 1
一、产业结构转型的含义及理论研究 2
(一)产业结构的含义 2
(二)产业结构的理论研究 3
二、河南产业结构对人才需求的现状分析 4
(一)河南产业结构的现状 4
(二)河南省产业结构存在的问题 4
(三)制约河南省产业结构优化升级的因素分析 6
(四)河南省产业结构优化升级的方法分析 7
三、河南产业结构转型升级的方向 8
(一)建设现代农业培养现代化农业人才 9
(二)建设现代化工业培养高新技术人才 9
(三)河南省产业结构转型升级要求下的人力需求转型 9
四、河南省产业结构优化升级下人才需求培养的策略和建议 11
(一)增强业务培训,培养高技能人才 11
(二)校企合作,培养企业所需高技能人才 11 河南省产业结构转型升级对人才需求的研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_37241.html