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时间:2019-08-27 12:53来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着市场竞争的日趋激烈,拥有知识型人才的多寡已成了各企业优劣的关键,但伴随着的知识型人才的流失现象也日益突出,这类人才的周期性流失所造成的后果也逐渐加重,它不仅可能导致企业赖以生存的核心技术或商业机密的泄漏,也可能导致关键岗位的空缺,同时企业还要花费更多的费用。本文通过分析知识型人才固有的特点,通过分析现实中各大企业流失的现状,找出企业中可能造成人才流失的因素,并依据这些因素提出一些相应的解决策略,希望通过这些策略达到减少企业内人才的流失的目的,降低企业风险,为企业吸引更多优秀的人才的加盟,使企业在同行业中具有良好的竞争优势。40116
毕业论文关键词: 知识型人才;人才流失;现状;风险
Research on the Loss of Knowledge Talents and Its Countermeasures
Abstract:With the increasingly fierce market competition, the amount of knowledge type talents has become the key to the merits of the enterprise, but the phenomenon is accompanied by the knowledge type talents, the loss of the phenomenon is increasingly prominent, the consequences caused by the periodic loss of this kind of talent is becoming more and more serious, it may not only leads to the survival of the enterprise core technology or business secret leakage, may also lead to key positions vacant, at the same time, enterprises need to spend more money. This thesis analysis the knowledge talented person's inherent characteristics, through the analysis of the actuality of the reality in each big enterprise loss, find out enterprise may cause factors of brain drain, and based on these factors put forward some corresponding solutions, I hope that through these strategies to reduce the loss of talent in the enterprise, reduce the risk of enterprises, for enterprises to attract more excellent talents to join us, makes the enterprise lay a good market competitive advantage in the same industry.
Key words: The Knowledge Type Talents; Losing of the Talents; Present Situation; Risk
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、研究背景    2
(一)概念界定    2
(二)研究动态    3
二、企业知识型人才流失的现状    5
(一)案例    5
(二)人才流失给企业带来的风险    5
三、知识型人才流失的原因    6
(一)企业不重视员工的价值观    6
(二)知识型人才不喜欢被束缚    7
(三)在安逸条件下产生的不健康心理    7
(四)管理者没有正确对待员工与企业的关系    7
(五)知识型人才渴望得到尊重和认可    8
(751)管理者与人才之间缺乏有效地沟通    8
(七)在公平感方面实际待遇与心理待遇之间存在差距    8
四、知识型人才流失改进策略    9
(一)使企业目标与员工价值观相一致    9
(二)满足其想要独立自主的需求    9
(三)对知识型人才进行心理方面的培训    10
(四)正确对待员工与企业的关系    10
(五)对员工提供有效的支持    10
(751)采用灵活多样的沟通方式    11
(七)提高员工的公平感    11
参考文献    13
致 谢    14
Facebook自从上市后一直是备受瞩目 。尤其是它的首席技术官布莱特•泰勒离职准备和人一起创业的消息公布之后,Facebook就变得更加引人注意,人们开始好奇泰勒离开之后Facebook能否再次拥有这样的知识型人才,人才流失的风险迫在眉睫。在当今情况下,不仅仅是Facebook这样的互联网行业,多数其他知识密集型的行业也普遍面临人才流失居高不下的问题。离职似乎被知识型人才当成了一种时尚,那么造成这一流行趋势的根源在哪里?究竟为何会导致知识型人才流失率持续上升?为何高工资、高福利仍然无法满足知识型人才的需求?难道真的就是因为知识型人才要求太高所以管理起来才比较困难? 知识型人才流失的原因及其对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_38354.html