毕业论文关键词:汽车4S店 汽车精品 发展策略 汽车精品销售
Research on Auto 4S Shop of China Boutique Marketing Strategy
Abstract : With the rapid economic development of the economy , the number of China 's auto 4S shop in rapid growth , car sales are also growing rapidly with, but as the car is accompanied Aftermarket products have great profit margins , but also the automobile an important pillar of the market, but auto 4S shop system is not perfect, there is not a valued Aftermarket 4S business management , Aftermarket is not fine, the lack of differentiation , Aftermarket sales staff lack expertise in issues such as car sales 4S shop in , To solve these problems this paper, training of professional sales personnel , adjust pricing strategy, the establishment of incentives and a series of development strategies , thereby improving the entire Aftermarket sales market sales. Especially after the establishment of incentives, along with bonuses continue to improve staff complete Aftermarket sales index is better.
Keywords: auto 4S shops , automotive products , development strategy , Aftermarket sales
目 录
一、文献综述 2
二、中国汽车精品的介绍 3
(一)中国汽车4S店的概况 3
(二)中国汽车精品的介绍 4
三、中国汽车精品营销存在的问题 8
(一)4S店在经营管理上还不够重视 8
(二)精品不精,差异化缺乏 10
(三)没有合理的汽车精品销售的途径 11
(四)汽车精品陈列不合理 11
四、中国汽车精品营销的发展策略 12
(一)培养汽车精品加装的专业人才 12
(二)调整定价策略,扩大消费市场 14
(三)拓宽分销渠道 15
(四)举办促销活动,吸引顾客 15
(五)提升综合实力,扩大国际市场 16
五、结论 16
参考文献 17-
一、 文献综述
至1998年4S店传入中国以来,汽车营销渠道也发生了巨大的变化。尤其是近几年来,4S店的数量如雨后春笋般的大量的增加,而且它的经营模式已经在中国形成了销售汽车的主要模式,同时也是销售汽车的主要渠道形式。 中国4S店汽车精品的营销策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_38377.html