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时间:2019-10-27 21:08来源:毕业论文

Beverage Market Marketing Strategy Research
Take Coca-Cola As An Example
Abstract: In the rapid development of modern society, economic progress, people's material life condition is getting better and better, consumption idea also produces change, beverage products are becoming the home, also become an indispensable part of life. With the improvement of people know and accept new things ability, beverage products is becoming more and more common, supply and demand makes the drink production was rising, driving the rapid development of economy in our country. Beverage industry prospect is very broad, more and more companies into the industry, lead to more and more fierce competition, how to strip out in competition, increase market share and become a top priority.In order to solve this problem, this paper represented by Coca-Cola to study of beverage market, through the status quo at home and abroad of beverage market, the marketing environment is analyzed, the history of the Coca-Cola, research, marketing strategy for the enterprise provides a rule to follow. The Coca-Cola marketing environment, marketing strategy and implementation ways for further investigation and study, and then put forward the ideas and research, provide direction and basis for the development of enterprise.
 Key words: Coca-Cola; Marketing Environment; Marketing Strategy
目    录
摘  要    1
Abstract:    1
一、饮料市场现状分析    2
(一)国内现状    2
(二)国外现状    4
二、饮料市场的营销环境分析    5
(一)宏观环境分析    5
(二)微观环境分析    6
三、可口可乐营销策略成功分析    7
(一)可口可乐简介    7
(二)营销策略    8
(三)可口可乐的成功之处    10
四、对饮料市场的营销启示    11
(一)清楚的方针市场定位    11
(二)优质的产品品质    11
(三)合适的营销方式    12
参考文献    13
致谢    14
饮料行业发展飞快,饮料成为经济体系中重要的一部分,迄今已经有几十年的历史了,中国饮料行业快速发展,饮料产量跳跃至13000万吨,铸就了年产量增长20%的巨大突破。然而,随着饮料市场几十年的高增长以后,中国饮料行业逐渐减慢了步伐。中国饮料工业协会发布的《单年谋扩产,双年谋发展》提到,我国的饮料行业在发展了几十年后,现在已经发展的非常成熟了[1]。企业逐渐地走与市场结合的道路,立足市场,开始从市场的需求去发展,去成长,饮料行业也慢慢有了发展的规律,企业加大资金的投入力度,增加硬件厂房、机器和软件人才的培养、创新出更优的产品、增加市场占有率,饮料行业开始迅速恢复并不断突破,总产量不断增加。可以看出饮料行业总产量在不段增加,但饮料的增加速率与以往几年相比有所下降。虽然饮料市场每年的增速没有大幅上涨,甚至还有所下降,但它的增长速率在一定时间和范围内是稳定的。正如中国饮料协会预想的的那样:“展望未来的几年,我国饮料的总产量总体应该是增加的,而且将会以一个相对稳定的速度增加。 可口可乐饮料市场营销策略研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_41727.html