Dilemma of Development and Strategy of Group-buying Websites—— A Case Study of the Meituan net
Abstract:With the rapid development of information technology in the world, the rise of e-commerce, online shopping era kicked off, with the network shopping gradually get people of all ages. Buy site began to appear on this basis,and gradually develop and grow, but many problems attendant drawbacks and buy the site have also emerged. Firstly, the concept of buy site defines and outlines their status, following analysis of the plight faced by our country buy site, focusing on product quality and safety of their lack of protection, but the use of multi-site functionality buy low, unlicensed frequent and consumers Psychology has always been a threat. Finally, try to buy the site for the development of China put forward feasible suggestions that enhance the quality of supervision, optimization settings area, increase the quality audit efforts to grasp the dynamics of consumer psychology.
Key Words:meituan net; group-buying websites; difficulties; strategies
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract. 1
一、团购网站的现状 2
(一)团购网站的概念 2
(二)团购网站的发展现状 2
二、我国团购网站存在的问题 3
(一)忽视产品质量 3
(二)功能多但利用率低 4
(三)无证商户频出 4
(四)消费者对低价营销质疑 5
三、我国团购网站存在困境的原因 6
(一)商户盲目追求利益 6
(二)网站模块设置不合理 6
(三)资质审核意识薄弱 7
(四)消费心理把握不准 7
四、促进我国团购网站发展的策略 8
(一)加大质量监督 8
(二)优化板块设置 9
(三)加大对商户资质审核力度 9
(四)注重消费者心理研究 10
参考文献 11
随着团购网站的不断发展和创新,迎来了更多人们的喜爱,它的发展势头正在朝着蒸蒸日上的方向发展,以下是笔者对团购网站的概念及存在现状的分析。 我国团购网站的发展困境及策略探析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_41740.html