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时间:2019-12-17 19:30来源:毕业论文



The impact to the employee’s organizational identification of perceived corporate social responsibility

Abstract: With the growing and development of the global economy, the enterprise also gradually to the system and the systemic perfect specification, for enterprise social responsibility consciousness also gradually awakened. The development of corporate social responsibility and operation will impact on how an enterprise, the problem has become the focus of academic research discussion, became a topic of social concern. Employees, as one of the enterprise stakeholders, it plays a very important influence to the enterprise, thus to make the enterprise can sustainable management and development, studies the impact of corporate social responsibility to employees is inevitable. According to some of the existing academic literature to clarify: is the performance of the company's corporate social responsibility and the positive correlation is the relationship among the employee organizational identification of, and for organizational identification of different dimensions and the influence of different segment.

Key words: corporate social responsibility; Organizational identification; Employees involved in corporate social responsibility


一、绪论 1

(一)课题的选题背景: 1

(二)课题研究的目的和意义: 1

(三)课题的研究现状和发展趋势 2

(四) 研究的主要方法 3

1、 文献分析法 3

2、 实证分析法 3

二、企业社会责任基础理论和知识 3

(一) 企业社会责任基础知识 3

(二) 社会认同理论(social identity theory)以及组织认同: 4

(三) 员工参与企业社会责任简述 5

三、感知企业社会责任与组织认同的关系研究 6

(一)企业社会责任与员工 6

(二) 感知企业社会责任与组织认同关系研究 6

四 .组织认同与员工参与企业社会责任的关系 7

(一)员工参与企业社会责任------环保活动 7

(二)员工参与企业社会责任------志愿活动 8

(三)员工参与企业社会责任------慈善活动 10

五、 结论与讨论 企业社会责任感知对员工组织认同的影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_43498.html
