摘要近年来,信息化正在以惊人的速度发展,在信息化的带动下,电子商务也呈现出繁荣的景象。伴随着电子商务的快速发展,物流已经成为经济与社会发展中不可缺少的组成部分,深刻影响着经济与社会的质量和效益水平。在电子商务环境下,信息化是物流领域提高运营效率、减少成本、提高服务价值的主要条件。电子商务时代的到来给我国物流业带来了空前发展的机遇,现代物流要适应电子商务的发展,必须向物流服务化、信息化、网络化、国际化方向发展,这是电子商务下物流发展的新趋势。 43330
Research on the development strategy of logistics
industry under the environment of electronic commerce
Abstract In recent years, the information age is developing at an amazing speed. Driven by the information age, e-commerce also presents a picture of prosperity, Along with the development of electronic commerce ,logistics industry is also facing new challenges and opportunities, If the modern logistics industry can be effectively integrated with the electronic commerce, will bring enormous economic and social benefits, so as to promote the continuous improvement of productivity. However, in real life, Logistics industry on the development of e-commerce is also a lack of sufficient understanding and preparation, Without full use of the convenience brought about by electronic commerce, thus, under the influence of the electronic commerce environment ,how to develop the logistics industry in our country is not only the problem of social and economic development, but also an important issue in the development of logistics industry.
By studying the relationship between electronic commerce and modern logistics, as well as under the environment of e-commerce logistics has the characteristics, In addition to this, The influence of the development of Electronic Commerce on the logistics industry is analyzed, and the simple countermeasures are put forward based on the above.
Key Words: Electronic commerce; logistics industry; Development strategy
目 录
一、绪论 1
一 绪论
近几年来,由于全球经济一体化的不断发展,物流业和电子商务都取得了巨大的进步。现代物流业的基本含义是指将运送、保管、装载、信息等各个方面相互联结、衍生出一个更加完善的供应系统,在电子商务的影响下,物流业也已经完成了从传统模式向现代物流模式的转变,其根本任务就是尽可能地把物流的总成本降到最低限度,为消费者提供最优质的多样化、系统化等方面较全的服务。在现代生活中,物流满足了人们的生产活动对各项物料的需求,并使得各种产品在全球范围内流通起来,满足人们生活中的缤纷需求,甚至参与到人们战胜自然、改变世界的活动中去。 电子商务环境下物流业发展对策研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_44113.html