毕业论文关键词:P2P行业; 互联网金融; 制度改进
The rapid development of Internet technology has brought the financial service mode innovation, P2P industry is on the Internet and formed and developed a new mode of financial services. Since 2011, our country's P2P company has solved the small micro enterprise, personal loan difficult problem, provides a broad platform for the investment for investors. Prospect of P2P industry development in our country, the P2P firms are also expanding, increasingly fierce competition in the market, but also exists in the process of development of different sizes. For P2P industry in a fledgling state in China, the legal system is not sound, the industry standard not unified, such problems as lack of regulatory agencies increasingly burst, the resulting P2P company "run boom, money laundering and other malignant events, a few malignant behavior seriously affect the survival and development of the industry as a whole the P2P. Starting from the system level, analyze the problems of existing P2P industry in our country, in order to find the effective P2P in China the solution of the problem in the process of developing the company become the urgent matter.
Key words:P2P industry; Internet financial; System improvement
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
一、我国P2P公司的发展现状及基本特征 4
(一)我国P2P公司发展的现状阐述 4
(二)我国P2P公司发展的基本特征 4
二、我国P2P公司发展存在的问题分析 5
(一)网络金融法规制度存在的问题 5
(二)我国P2P公司自身存在的问题 7
三、应对我国P2P公司存在问题的措施 10
(一)制定法律法规,明确监管主体 10
(二)制定行业规范,建立行业协会 12
(三)健全征信系统,降低信用风险 12
参考文献 13
P2P(即peer to peer)指的是个体跟个体之间脱离中介直接进行网络借贷交易,弥补了传统金融的劣势缺陷,也积极地促进了民间借贷金融的繁荣,创造了一种舒缓小微企业融资困难、拓展民间资本投资渠道的全新金融模式。 P2P公司存在主要问题及制度改进:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_46266.html