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时间:2020-02-29 11:20来源:毕业论文

本文首先会简单概括商业银行理财产品的一些基本情况,包括概念、特征和分类等,然后通过介绍不同类别的理财产品的收益情况来反映银行理财产品的发展现状,接着总结它的发展趋势并探讨它会存在哪些创新,再接着总结它发展过程中产生的各种风险并着重研究理财产品创新所产生的风险,最后从总体上为加强银行理财产品的风险控制和具体上为加强银行理财产品创新的风险控制提出建议。 45694
With the rapid development of our country's economy, residents’ income level has a substantial increase. Because of the limitations of investment channels and investment qualification, bank savings is still being the most important invest way. Nowadays the yield of savings has been unable to meet the demand of investors, the market urgently needs professional financial institutions for investors to manage assets, bank financial products arises at the historic moment. The emergence of bank financial products provide investors with more opportunities to share benefits brought by economic development in various ways.
At first, this paper will introduce some basic situations of bank financial products, including the concepts, characteristics and classifications, etc.. Then will show its present situations, development trends and innovations through the earnings of different categories. After that this paper will summarizes all kinds of risks in the development process and will especially do research on innovation risks of  financial products. At last this paper will find out some measures to strengthen risk control from overall to its innovations in specific .
[Key words]:Bank financial products;Innovation;Risk control
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、绪论    1
(一)选题背景    1
(二)研究目的和意义    1
(三)文献综述    1
(四)研究启发    3
二、商业银行理财产品的发展现状    3
(一)银行理财产品的概念、特征和分类    3
(二)各类别银行理财产品的收益状况    4
三、商业银行理财产品发展趋势及创新的研究    6
(一)银行理财产品发展趋势的各项特征    6
(二)银行理财产品创新的意义    7
(三)银行理财产品创新的现状    8
四、商业银行理财产品的风险研究    11
(一)银行理财产品整体面临的主要风险    11
(二)银行理财产品创新所带来的风险    12
五、商业银行理财产品的风险控制    13
(一)银行理财产品的风险控制的意义    13
(二)加强银行产品风险控制的措施    13
(三)针对理财产品创新的风险控制措施    14
六、结语    15
参考文献    16
致谢    17
麦肯锡作为全球最大的战略咨询公司对2020年全球的银行业进行预测,金融理财产品在未来十年将十分惹人注目。银行理财产品越来越受老百姓的欢迎,各大银行理财产品的品种和发行量在不断增多,银行理财迎来了春天。银行理财产品的繁荣,一方面表明了老百姓的理财需求随着生活水平的提高在不断上升,另一方面也体现了当今时代金融创新的要求。理财产品规模的不断增加给商业银行带来了更多的利润,但是迅猛扩张的理财产品规模也给商业银行带来了各种表面的和潜在的风险。 银行理财产品的发展状况和风险控制:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_47233.html