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时间:2020-02-29 11:40来源:毕业论文

According to data from the China Automotive Industry Association show that in 2013, China's automobile production to 17.8544 million vehicles, sold 1781.5 units, an increase of 13.58% and 13.47%, with 12, compared to the same period increased by 9.02 and 9.91%, respectively. From 09 to 14 five years, China's automobile production and sales are located in the world. As China's car market is fully open, international motor vehicle operators and their suppliers have settled in China, joining the tide of globalization of automobile industry in China, Chinese cars soared, automobile parts and components industry to achieve sustained rapid growth. Now, China has more than 100 vehicle manufacturers, there are about 20,000 of the motor vehicle parts manufacturers, which can meet the 80% supporting the needs of China's auto parts market.
Rapid development represents not only the opportunity, but also a challenge, huge market also means that the more intense market competition, cost pressures had become China's auto industry is facing a serious challenge. The internationalization of the domestic market, meaning prices more transparent, higher customer expectations and quality requirements, which is bound to lead to increasing cost pressures. Chinese automobile manufacturing enterprise logistics cost of sales 15% above, is much higher than in Europe, America and Japan that few mainstream car market. Optimized total cost parts procurement logistics 70% to reduce logistics costs and improve automobile manufacturing enterprise's competitiveness in enterprise sustainable development inevitably a top priority. This article is based on supply chain management based on the background of automobile parts purchasing and logistics operation mode research.
Key words: Vehicle components;Procurement Logistics;Supply Chain Management;Logistics Management
目   录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、引言    1
1.1 问题的提出    1
1.2相关研究概述    1
1.3 研究意义    3
二、国内外汽车零部件采购物流的发展现状分析     3
2.1国外汽车采购物流现状    3
2.2我国汽车零部件采购物流的发展现状    4
2.3我国汽车零部件采购物流存在的主要问题    5
三、传统采购物流模式及其弊端分析    6 供应链视角下汽车零配件采购物流的管理研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_47244.html