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时间:2020-03-13 22:35来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:导游 倦怠水平 影响因素 对策
The fierce competition in the tourism market makes the guide's job burnout degree is more and more deep, job burnout has become a concern topic. Therefore, the research object of this paper choose as tour guides, using the method of literature research, questionnaire survey method and statistical analysis method to for tour guides burnout were investigated. And choose Nanjing as the survey site, because Nanjing is a typical case, Nanjing also is a tourist city, the tourism resources is rich, tourism is also very developed. Through the investigation and study, the conclusion is drawn: Nanjing city tour guides burnout is very obvious. The degree of job burnout of female tour guides is higher than that of male tour guides; Nanjing city tour guides in the working pressure, unmarried tour guide personnel to withstand work pressure lower than married tour guides; Nanjing city tour guides social support situation is not optimistic, tour guides social support only relating to sex,marriage, education level does not affect the strength of the social support.
Keywords: tour guide  burnout level  influence factor  countermeasure
目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景与意义    1
1.1.1研究背景    1
1.1.2研究意义    1
1.2研究目的与思路    2
1.2.1研究目的    2
1.2.2技术路线    2
1.3研究方法    3
1.3.1文献研究法    3
1.3.2问卷调查法    3
1.3.3统计分析法    3
第二章  相关概念及基础理论    4
2.1相关概念    4
2.1.1倦怠    4
2.1.2职业倦怠    4
2.2研究综述    4
2.2.1国外职业倦怠研究综述    4
2.2.2国内职业倦怠研究综述    6
2.3理论基础    7
2.3.1工作倦怠理论    7
2.3.2工作压力源理论    7
第三章  南京市导游人员职业倦怠影响因素的假设性分析    8
3.1人口统计学    8
3.1.1年龄    8
3.1.2性别    8
3.2工作压力    8
3.2.1身心健康压力    9
3.2.2经济压力    9
3.3社会支持    9
3.3.1家人支持    9
3.3.2上司支持    10
第四章  南京市导游人员职业倦怠的调查研究    11
4.1研究设计及实施    11
4.1.1问卷设计    11
4.1.2问卷的发放和回收    11
4.1.3研究工具    11
4.2统计结果及分析    12
4.2.1人口学统计结果    12 南京市导游人员职业倦怠的影响因素研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_48301.html