毕业论文关键词:网络购物; 网络购物影响因素; 影响机理; 在校大学生
In recent years, under the popularity of the Internet and development of all kinds of network technology and the the logistics system, online shopping is developing rapidly and gradually increase in the position in society .This new way of consumption has become a kind of fashion which has gradually become an indispensable part of people’s life.
In china, the group of young people is the main power by college students share more and more consumers in the network shopping.This article based on these three dimensions to study which are its influence factors , the seller factors and external environmental factors in the college students consumers network shopping.In this paper, the author analysis statistical data and consumer behavior which from the survey on the questionnaire star platform.And come to the conclusion that how to influence consumers behavior and decision-making by income hobby and the seller service attitude and so on factors .
Keyword: Network shopping; The network shopping factors; Influencing mechanism; College students
目 录
1引言 5
1.1研究背景和意义 5
1.1.1研究背景 5
1.1.2研究意义 7
1.2研究内容 8
1.3研究方法 8
1.4技术路线 9
1.5本文创新点 10
2.1在校大学生网络购物影响因素文献综述 10
2.1.1 我国网络购物发展的相关文献 10
2.1.2个体行为理论及消费者行为影响因素相关文献 11
2.1.3 消费者网络购物影响因素的相关文献 11
2.1.4大学生网络购物影响因素分析的相关文献 13
2.2 在校大学生网络购物影响机理文献综述 14
3在校大学生网络购物因素影响机理理论研究 14
3.1相关概念界定 14
3.1.1网络购物的基本理论 14
3.1.2网络购物的影响因素的概念 15
3.1.3网络购物的影响机理的概念 15
3.2在校大学生网络购物影响因素分析与假设 15